Justin Brandeau Tests Positive for Coronavirus as Anti-Vaccine Mandate Truckers Hit Ottawa – IOTW Report

Justin Brandeau Tests Positive for Coronavirus as Anti-Vaccine Mandate Truckers Hit Ottawa

Breitbart: Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced Monday he has contracted coronavirus. The revelation came barely 24-hours after he and his family left their home in Ottawa for a secret location, citing security concerns as massive trucker convoys surged into the capital to protest vaccine mandates.

Trudeau used social media to inform the world of his condition. No announcement has been made as to when he is likely to appear in public again.

“I’m feeling fine — and I’ll continue to work remotely this week while following public health guidelines. Everyone, please get vaccinated and get boosted,” Trudeau tweeted. more

27 Comments on Justin Brandeau Tests Positive for Coronavirus as Anti-Vaccine Mandate Truckers Hit Ottawa

  1. Smug human garbage said,” We will not be intimidated days after he went into hiding.” & claiming the Truckers & supporters have “unacceptable views”.

    That was his Hillary Deplorable moment.

    F U

  2. This is bad, right? I mean he’s the leader of some county or something.

    Plus, it’s only Monday. I’m thinking this may get mentioned on the news on one of those rare days that end in Y.

  3. No really. Normally when a leader says something stupid there’s this rush to clarify from the gov or the media to calm things down.

    I’m not seeing that. In fact, the media seems to be egging everyone on.

    Next, this isn’t like January 6th. That was a one day deal. I’m not seeing any inclination on the part of the truckers or all those people who parked cars to go…..anywhere. Anytime soon.

    Finally. So you go into hiding. For….how long? As noted above, these people seem disinclined to disperse. Then what?

    This Truedue chick better have a FABULOUS line of B.S. once she addresses the country.

    Like……Stalin good.

  4. Yeah, I know. “Why not say Hitler good?”

    Because have you heard this guy speak? I thought he was gonna’ be all smooth and uplifting but no. Not at all. Quite the opposite,in fact. He’s all “GGAAAAHHHH!!!! krinkle Judenshmidt!”

    I gotta’ tell ya’, it’s damn near impossible to have sex while listening to a Hitler speech.

  5. Justine Brandeau is the most spectacularly self-sabotaging, spineless Prime Minister in Canadian history, but his minority parliamentary government will probably make excuses for his cowardice. After all, there were lots of Trump supporters and Nazis and Confederates in that bunch of ungrateful truck drivers. He supports anyone who doesn’t support common sense, and political cowardice isn’t grounds for political banishment in Canada these days.

  6. You’ll know the Canuks are serious when they drag him out, hang him, and burn the carcass.
    Otherwise it’s just the same old bullshit.

    Remember when American Truckers did that about some “gas crisis?”
    Yeah, nobody else does, either.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  7. I don’t know who gave me a thumbs up…but.

    What I wrote was “it’s damn near impossible to have sex while listening to a Hitler speech.”

    And you gave that a thumbs up.

    What are you? Some kind of…. some kind of dirty dog?

  8. Transparent horseapples in four dimensions. First, mandate an injection that doesn’t prevent uptake of disease with a livelihood ending punishment accompanying.. Second, call those who object to such a mandate bigoted racist homophobic nazi fringe people, with unacceptable views, unCanadian even. Third, use ‘contact with Covid’ as an excuse to run away when some of those people say ‘let’s have a meetup, boyo’. Fourth, from your place of cowering, claim to have contracted Covid, so you can remain hidden from the righteously angry citizens longer, maybe they’ll go away.

    Proofs that weakling sonofacastro provides with this yellow bellied effort: 1) the shots don’t work. 2) there is some unspoken reason government demands people take the shots, one VERY important to government. 3) government sees itself as master, lord, dictator. 4) the life and health of the people are fundamentally irrelevant to government.

    To all productive people in North America, the Anglosphere, hell, the world: accumulate several months food, medicine, household sundries, cash to pay contracted debt, clothing to keep you and yours warm. Help the working poor to do the same.

    Then set your tools down. No work, no buying or selling through government moderated venues. Pay nothing into government beyond taxes already owed. Starve the parasite.

    The parasite REQUIRES the host. The host only ALLOWS the parasite to remain.

    Coordinated direct nonviolent (in)action is getting to be our last lingering chance to escape this growing tyranny.

  9. @Burr, it never ends February 1, 2022 at 2:49 am

    > it’s damn near impossible to have sex while listening to a Hitler speech

    Intended as a punchline. And a good one, at that.

    But, still, all too true. I’ve tried. A few times. Barry White fades out. Uber White starts in. And they run to the kitchen, and start makin’ sammiches. Every. Damn. Time.

  10. @Burr, it never ends February 1, 2022 at 2:49 am

    “> it’s damn near impossible to have sex while listening to a Hitler speech”

    …listening to one probably gets Trudeau off all by itself, tho…


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