Justin Trudeau Buying the Media In Time for 2019 Election – IOTW Report

Justin Trudeau Buying the Media In Time for 2019 Election

CFP: Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau wants an American-like,  left-leaning mainstream media for Canada—and is investing more than half a billion taxpayers’ dollars to get it.

Watching from the country next door how the American media, which supplies a 90-plus-percent negative coverage of all things President Donald Trump and whose blatant intent is to drive him out of office, Trudeau wants a 90% left-leaning media in place for Canada’s upcoming 2019 federal election.

While seen by the outside world as handsome and sexy, Trudeau, who identifies as a “feminist”, is much more brutish on Canadian soil.

As he eyes his reelection, Justin Trudeau, who plays for keeps,  is coming on like a Banana Republic dictator.

Buying the media is buying the Election.

8 Comments on Justin Trudeau Buying the Media In Time for 2019 Election

  1. He just thrives on the positive reinforcement provided by a compliant press. The illusion is all important to frauds like this little twink and the Canadian public are willing dupes.
    They are comfortable knowing that their neighbor will be there to pull them out of the fire if their stupidity gets them in too deep.

  2. “Buy?” The media is a WILLING slave to the Left all over the WORLD. Any money transfer is just part of a laundering operation, since one need not purchase what one already owns…

  3. Trudeau must’ve squealed with glee if he saw the presser with Trump and the boneheaded governor and gov-elect of California, as they cluelessly lagged behind President Trump viewing the devastation in Paradise.

    As Trump graciously “smoothed out the lumps” for Gov Fairy Brown, and asked him to say a few words (at least pretend he cared), Brown, in his obtuse monotone demeanor, stated, “well, we’re working together local, state and fed officials, utilizing all the man power and WOMAN power….”.
    Don’t know if Trump caught that. If he did he has more restraint than I.

    So see Justin, we have like minded idiots who parrot nonsensical talking points at the most inopportune times also.


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