Justin Trudeau. Even More Stupid Than We Thought Possible – IOTW Report

Justin Trudeau. Even More Stupid Than We Thought Possible

Blazing Cat Fur: Justin Trudeau is less popular than Stephen Harper was at this point in his tenure as prime minister.

Angus Reid is the latest polling company to find Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s popularity in precipitous decline in the wake of his widely criticized trip to India.  more here

15 Comments on Justin Trudeau. Even More Stupid Than We Thought Possible

  1. I’m not sure he could be stupider than I think he’s stupid.

    Though, is a rock really stupid … or just ignorant?
    I’m not sure … I’ve never tried to teach a rock.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. “Justin Trudeau is a mascot of everything that is wrong with the world today. From being at the forefront of encouraging every degeneracy to welcoming radicalism into his homeland, from cheap gimmicks of tokenism to attempts at creating a culture of politically correct absurdities, the stink of his leftist hypocrisy wafts far and wide. As citizen of India, I could not care less if the elected leader of Canada seeks to drive his nation to the dumps. But where it has an adverse effect on my country is where I choose to draw the line.”


  3. If/when we accept that Hanlon’s Razor covers when faced with the Obama’s and Justin Trudeau’s of the world I fear that we may be not giving as much scrutiny to their actions as we should.

    “Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity” is an axiom that is all too convenient too often for me to accept it as a given.

  4. Screwball is too mild a word to describe this kook. Look the guy is about as fucked up as a football bat. That doesn’t mean he isn’t dangerous, stupid people in positions of power are exceedingly dangerous.

  5. ignorant: when someone doesn’t know things.
    dumb: when someone has a hard time learning.
    stupid: willful ignorance, as in refusal to learn unwelcome truths -but also willful ignorance of the rights and perogatives of others.

    There is no shame in being ignorant or dumb and the problems caused are relatively small, because people who are ignorant generally have some humility.

    Stupid is the normal operating mode of our “elites”. They willfully ignore common sense and the well-being of normal people. The reasons vary, but include arrogance, psychopathy and the fact that they are richly rewarded for their stupidity. Willful ignorance allows them to screw the citizens for the benefit of lobbyists with suitcases full of money and increase their power by sowing hate and division. By acting stupid, they can deny reality and fool their dumb and hateful base.

  6. “I’ve always regarded his cognition level as somewhere between lichen and navel lint.”

    Uncle Al, you obviously have a way-to-high opinion of him…. I’m thinking anything above a single-celled organism too high


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