Justin Turdeau Announces Total Freeze of Handgun Purchases in Canada – IOTW Report

Justin Turdeau Announces Total Freeze of Handgun Purchases in Canada

The government said it would grant exceptions in some cases such as “high-performance sports shooting athletes and those who carry handguns as part of their lawful profession,” as well as “authorized businesses such as gunsmiths, the film industry, or museums.”

17 Comments on Justin Turdeau Announces Total Freeze of Handgun Purchases in Canada

  1. Our last Mass Murderer was/were 2 Native brothers who knifed their own Native community members 2 months ago.

    All the recent gun crime in Toronto is, as suspected, Gang/ Drug related and with unregistered & already illegal Guns of various types.

    Many Police Chiefs in western Canada have already stated that it is a deflection of police resources with no real benefit.

    FJT & everyone who voted for him. (esp Toronto)

  2. stirrin the FJB pot,

    Exactly the same as a Presidential Executive Order.

    You can challenge it in court or Parliament can stop it, BUT Justine Turdette made a very open deal with another minority party NDP (which gave him a majority) to work together for the next 2 years regardless of the will of the people.

    The NDP jackass whom I refer to as “Jack Meat Sing” His own Sikh community has really turned on him for betraying them on many fronts.

  3. Biden is envious !
    Can he get Pelosi and Schumer to do a late night, hidden vote to ban all handguns and those black rifles?
    Or will be just do an executive order?
    The law has never stopped him before.


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