Kabul Falls to the Taliban as Biden Hides from the Public in Disgrace – IOTW Report

Kabul Falls to the Taliban as Biden Hides from the Public in Disgrace

Biden made this happen just to deny President Trump the title of ‘the man who ended the longest war’.

Great rant. *Some salty language.

9 Comments on Kabul Falls to the Taliban as Biden Hides from the Public in Disgrace

  1. I supported soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan with care packages for 7 years. The Afghanistan people who were being trained by, and assisting, our military absolutely loved Rice Krispie Treats. The troops wrote that the Afghanistan people love all things American and to keep sending.

    What a sad day it is for those (US soldiers and Afghanistan people) who put their lives on the line for a better place to live.

  2. “Biden Hides from the Public in Disgrace”


    Like ALL Democrats, he has NO capacity for shame.

    Plus, it’s what he and his masters WANTED.

    America shamed.

    Total anarchy.

    Deaths of Christians and America supporters.

    …he’s probably just hiding to conceal his glee. Doesn’t want to get caught laughing like that “doctor” lying about kiddie Coof…


  3. Killing fields to commence immediately. We didn’t learn a damn thing from Vietnam and Cambodia and now the people of Afghanistan will pay with their lives. We should’ve destroyed the Taliban 20 years ago by carpet bombing and destroying and killing every last one of these Taliban bastards. And meanwhile chicken shit joey is in hiding.

  4. Another Fuck Up that has Jackass Joe written ALL over it! It truly is sad that so many people have to suffer at the hands of such an insufferable worthless sack of shit who is only interested in enrichening himself at the expense of others! Jackass Joe will shoulder no responsibility for this travesty regardless of the fact that he had seven months to plan and organize for it! All we heard in 2020 was “I have a plan for this” and “I have a plan for that” yet all we see is that anything Jackass Joe touches turns to shit! This too will go down as a stain on America that will never go away!

  5. Just read that the CCP is going to invade Taiwan soon, which will crush our economy (biggest computer chip producer). Resident Applesauce brain will just go into hiding again I bet.

    It’s not enough to destroy America, it must be destroyed around the world as well.
    Get over all the FREEDOM crap we have learn over the last 200 years.
    Part of the defaming the writers of the Constitution and Bill of Rights, so they can be erased from history as well.


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