Kaiser paper admits that the COVID vaccines make you more likely to be infected after 150 days – IOTW Report

Kaiser paper admits that the COVID vaccines make you more likely to be infected after 150 days

Steve Kirsch: Which means if you want to stay protected, you’ll likely need to get a shot every six months for the rest of your life. Otherwise, you’ll be more at risk than the unvaccinated. MORE

SEE ALSO: I just notified Dr. John Su at the CDC that the “death” safety signal was triggered for the COVID vaccines.
Dr. John Su is the CDC expert who is in charge of monitoring the VAERS system for safety signals.Recently, I realized that the safety signal for death was triggered. I emailed a few hundred people at the CDC to let them know, but nobody seems to care. I never heard back from anyone. So I just left John a short voicemail that you can watch here:

11 Comments on Kaiser paper admits that the COVID vaccines make you more likely to be infected after 150 days

  1. A normal side effect of the vaccine is death. Another normal side effect is being more prone to catch the coof, but its severity is reduced (unprovable). There’s nothing to be alarmed about, it’s all normal. Now get out there and get the jab, it’s your duty is to protect your neighbor, your coworkers, and your family. The first vaccine in history that’s primary duty is to protect others, your side effects (including death) are secondary to the primary. Any vaccine shortcomings are directly attributable to those who don’t take it. Death from the jab is literally a better outcome than not taking it, we can’t progress as a society until anti-vaxxers accept normal side effects.

  2. What are they doing about our blood supply? This will be an issue, just like HIV. I feel sorry for anyone that needs a transfusion… maybe stick with plasma only? Works for the Jehovah witnesses.

  3. Kaiser paper admits that the COVID vaccines make you more likely to be infected after 150 days

    That should read “likely to die after 150 days.”

    17 year-old daughter of Congressman dies of ‘heart attack’…



    Waaaah! She was healthy, she exercised, she ate right, and she still died. She was jabbed too. No breeding for her nor voting. She was a liberal like her father and mother. Trump laughed when he said it was the liberals who lined up first to get the jab. Looks like his death jab worked out for the liberals. Israel stepped up to the plate to puff themselves up for being the first nation to get the death jab. Oh and don’t forget about the liberal cardiologist who wouldn’t cry at an unvaxxed person’s funeral. He died in his sleep too.

    Prominent cardiologist who said he would not cry at funeral of ‘selfish’ unvaxxed, dies in sleep weeks after endorsing third jab


    Keep these stories alive, it proves a point.

  4. It’s only a matter of time before the massive, class action lawsuits happen in earnest. Serious, someone deserves the death penalty for using the entire human race as fucking guinea pigs for these goddamn toxic faux-vaccines. And the morons who keep taking them can’t die fast enough. Bury them in their fucking masks for all I care.

  5. We have to eat every day to keep living, so what’s the deal if we have to take a shot every day so we don’t get sick?
    Says the multi-billionaires that run Big Pharma.

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