Kal Penn is an idiot – IOTW Report

Kal Penn is an idiot

I’m going to go out on a limb here and guess that actor Kal Penn scored very low on the Analogy section of the SATs.

In an attempt to prove that Congress is unwilling to take action against “gun violence,” Penn tweeted out this pseudo-insightful bit of drivel:

Kal Penn


Americans killed on 9/11: 2,996

Days it took Congress to authorize war:3

Americans killed by guns in 2017: 11,652

Days in 2017 so far:275

Now, to the trained eye, it appears what Kal is saying here is Congress should declare war on people who shoot and killed people.

Or, as Kurt Schlichter put it:

Kurt Schlichter


Liberal demands America invade Chicago https://twitter.com/kalpenn/status/914928005851619328 


Of course Kal Penn’s analogy doesn’t make any sense.

It’s like comparing apples to peanut butter.


24 Comments on Kal Penn is an idiot

  1. I’m pretty phucking (absolutely!) sure Mr/Ms/Whatszit Penn hasn’t a clue what he/she/whatszit is talking about … “…Congress to authorize war:3 [days]”
    Congress hasn’t declared war since December 8, 1941 (& it only took 1 day)

    …& I’m pretty phucking (absolutely!) sure I haven’t a clue what a Kal Penn is

  2. So there is video that has emerged of a female taxi driver sitting at the Mandalay the moment the shooting started. Clearly, there were two different volleys of gunfire being shot simultaneously, one louder and the other muffled. The gunfire was not echoing as some have speculated because the numbers of shots dont mirror each other like in an echo. They were fired from different sides of the building, on the wrap around corner windows. One closer to her and louder, the other muffled by the building itself. I believe the second shooter panicked and ran out of the room as soon as the shooting started and he realized what he was in for.

    If this is the case, and I believe – as others do- it is, then this more sinister then we think. I will give the Police the benefit of the doubt at this time because we dont know what they are working on and who they may be looking for without tipping their hand. But this guy could not move that quick, he could not have set all of that up alone over several days without sticking out like a saw thumb.

    They repeatedly say “he snapped”. Snapping is spontaneous combustion, he kills whoever is standing in front of him and he kills himself. Snapping is NOT accumulating all of those weapons and ammo, planning for weeks, expenses, nesting in a room for days, and then shooting a thousand plus rounds into 600 people. This was a calmly meditated and constructed effort. He had ample time to back out of it but didnt.

    I hope we get the truth.

  3. Mike Brown: I believe your analysis is correct. At some point there had to be two shooters, or this guy was elastic man, able to fire two weapons some distance apart at the same time.

  4. Brad, whats your take on him being alone and being able to fire so many rounds in such a short period of time. He had scopes on both guns, many different witnesses said numerous people were shot in head. The off duty LAFD fireman said he saw 15-20, many were head shot. Whats your general assessment based on the available info? I believe even the Sheriff said it was 9 minutes from the time the first shots were fired until they were inside his room.

  5. Mike Brown

    There’s nothing that makes sense about this. I see muzzle flashed in that video that was actually probably off the 8th or 9th floor. But I haven’t seen any muzzle flashes off the 34th floor. Maybe I misses them. But that high up he was at about a 20 degree angle so he had to move pretty close to the window. Some one posted that room would have looked like someone was running an arc welder in that room. That’s accurate. Nada. We will probably never know what this was all about or who’s responsible.

  6. Be fair now, Kal was brought to Washington to be Obama’s, er Oral Advisor and when he wouldn’t leave he took a beating by some muggers that stole nothing. He couldn’t go back to his show “House” because after he told them where he was going they suicided his character. It took years for him to get a paycheck and it’s likely do to his more then a few IQ points he lost in the dupont circle encourachment to leave town.

  7. This Kal Penn guy is of the ‘Harold and Kumar’, pothead buddy comedy movies, two were made.

    He also had some role in the WH in ‘09 as a liaison to connect with the younger set. He’s basically a lib lemming blabbering about how guns are at it again, killing Americans.

    Early this morning, and it may have been here, I came across this article exploring a more than one shooter theory.

  8. I understand dumba** leftist lingo. Skill set from being a former leftist. The Obama dihimmi doormat is saying, compared to the one time attack by “oppressed” and “misunderstood” Isslime terrorists, guns continue to kill everyday. Of course, the idiot is clueless, less guns won’t stop the violence. Terrorists and Chicago thugs will always find alternative weapons and ways to kill without guns. That’s the irony of the fool’s stupid, illogical numbers game.


  10. Penn is the press secretary on “Designated Survivor”. Dropped watching that show after Fubar Sutherland came out as a flaming liberal and the show (typically) decided to bash conservatives and promote gun control. They had their “boogie-man” which was supposed to be an “alt-right” group. Didn’t think Penn was an asshole, but he’s made sure he’s established himself as one.

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