Kalashnikov head reveals why he makes weapons – IOTW Report

Kalashnikov head reveals why he makes weapons


In an exclusive interview with RT, Kalashnikov Group president Alan Lushnikov spoke about opening a rifle factory in India, how the new weapons fared in combat, and what motivates the company to do what it does.

“For me, it’s first of all a chance to give my country what it needs for its security,” Lushnikov told RT, in the interview first aired on Monday. “The ultimate reason why we do all this is to make our country capable of defending itself. If you’re committed to this task, everything else comes naturally.”

Kalashnikov, he said, makes “the world’s best product,” which sells both at home and abroad. The company doesn’t do so in order to satisfy some personal ambitions or ego, however. “You must make the world’s best product to ensure your motherland is safe.”

In addition to the “simple and reliable” automatic rifle designs, Kalashnikov also makes sniper rifles, drones such as the widely used Lancet, and even combat uniforms for the Russian military. Just last week, the company announced it had set up a separate division dedicated to designing and making drones. 

Lushnikov would not comment on any specific Lancet developments, joking that this would be classified, but he did say the company was “actively developing” a range of both reconnaissance and attack UAVs. MORE

7 Comments on Kalashnikov head reveals why he makes weapons

  1. I wonder if our gunmakers are willing to just state the obvious like this. But then again, Russia isn’t being controlled by a bunch of woke and racially charged wackjobs that can do whatever they please.

  2. I have “First Hand” experience with how good Kalashnikov is. I have 2 blade scars and 1 bulllet hole from ChiCom Kalisnikovers! Still have ’em after 55, 56 years! Also have a broken upper right “eye tooth” from a Kalishnikv butt stroke. I voted for the creator of the EPA 2 times. So to keep “Earth Day’ more environmentally friendly, all but the shooter stopped polluting shortly after our “up close and personal” get togethesr; they all stopped polluting. I hope one of my men made the shotter stop polluting; but I know not.

    The leftist father of EPA was “Tricky Dick”; Barry swore he elected LBJ in ’64; but had no proof.

    I OWE YOU MY LIFE DOC! Thanks!

  3. I used to have an AR-!5 (for you commies that’s an “AUTOMATIC RIFLE-15) and I used to consider myself ONE of those Americans behind EVERY blade of grass…. but alas after that last canoe incident I am now reliant on the M1.
    HA! 8 rounds of 30 is fine with me.


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