Kamala Campaign Confirms Biden’s ‘Basement’ Strategy of Avoiding Press For as Long as Possible – IOTW Report

Kamala Campaign Confirms Biden’s ‘Basement’ Strategy of Avoiding Press For as Long as Possible

Info Wars

The Kamala Harris campaign has reportedly determined it’s in the best interest of the campaign for Kamala to avoid the press for as long as possible leading up to the 2024 election.

The New York Times and the Washington Post published editorials in recent days detailing how sources close to the Harris campaign decided that Joe Biden’s strategy of avoiding the media during his 2020 “basement campaign” was successful and will similarly work for the vice president.

The Times reported that the Harris campaign cited a “fractured media landscape” as justification to reach voters only with TV ads and social media. read more

16 Comments on Kamala Campaign Confirms Biden’s ‘Basement’ Strategy of Avoiding Press For as Long as Possible

  1. It worked once. The media will help her do it again. That’s why I think she’ll come up with some excuse to duck the debate. It’s not in her best interest for the country to see who and what she really is.

  2. I suppose this is their ultimate goal – to mold the public into the stupidest sheep possible so they can do whatever they please.

    It almost worked with Basement Joe for God’s sake, only requiring a handful of states to blatantly cheat in the election.

  3. The hidden ones select the puppets with no brain so the puppets don’t get too smart for their own good. Then the hidden ones are faced with the problem of hiding how brainless the puppets are. Crank up the propaganda machine. Hide the puppets in the basement. The new dEmoCRacY.

  4. richard
    Thursday, 15 August 2024, 9:54 at 9:54 am
    “That’s why I think she’ll come up with some excuse to duck the debate. ”

    …well, they’re winding up Monkeypox, talking up Bird Flu, and Facist Fauci is wearing a mask again, so I think you can see where THIS is going…

  5. Have to get those mail in votes, the early voters, the ballot base that leads to the ‘counting’ as the day of election approaches. By election day the communists will have approximately 85 million ballots for their chosen candidate printed up and (no need to fill them out, the undervotes don’t matter the main one is printed in) into envelopes for delivery. We, the people, will be favored by whomever the owners so desire and God Bless America! I liked it better when I still believed. This sucks.

  6. France was easily overrun by Germany in 1940 because they believed what worked in the last Great War would also work in the current one.

    We’ll see if the Democrat “Maginot Line” strategy works this time around.

  7. @Walter – Your “I liked it better when I still believed.” perfectly sums up my situation. Born in 1950, I was privileged to live through some of the best years of the American “experiment”. We’re not allowed to wear “political” messages when voting in person, but I’ll almost certainly have a T-Shirt printed with your comment.


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