Kamala Explains the Russia-Ukraine Crisis to Democrats – IOTW Report

Kamala Explains the Russia-Ukraine Crisis to Democrats

Earlier, Kamala Harris was asked to explain the geopolitical issues at the heart of the Russia-Ukraine conflict to the base of constituents that voted for Joe Biden and herself.   She took the challenge head on.  [Heh]

16 Comments on Kamala Explains the Russia-Ukraine Crisis to Democrats

  1. Wake up. This is Russia. This is Ukraine. We are here. They are over there. See Russia invade. Russia is very bad. Ukraine is very good. We can not help them. There are lots of cats and dogs in Ukraine. See the cats and dogs. The dogs are barking. We can throw them a ball. Throw the ball. That is all. Go back to sleep.

  2. Listening to and watching Kamala Harris brings to mind some experiences I had in my younger days. As a young Navy guy, I would occasionally visit a local dive-bar just outside the base. While stepping up to the bar to order a beer, there would usually be a woman seated there who would start a conversation. She would proceed to tell me that she used to work for NASA, or some other grandiose story of personal accomplishment and notoriety. I was young but I wasn’t dumb. I knew it was all a lie.

    That’s who Kamala Harris is to me; she’s the haggard-looking woman sitting at the bar with her large leather purse and a pack of smokes, drinking Screwdrivers, trying to convince you she’s something that she’s not.


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