Kamala Harris’ (aka Willie Brown’s side piece) upset after ‘birther’ attack – IOTW Report

Kamala Harris’ (aka Willie Brown’s side piece) upset after ‘birther’ attack

The Last Tradition: Kamala Harris better pace herself because the down and dirty has started yet.  After all, a woman who slept her way to the top shouldn’t expect otherwise. 

AOL News reports the campaign of Democratic presidential hopeful Kamala Harris has fired back after Donald Trump Jr. and others seemed to question the Senator’s racial background in what some are calling another form of the so-called “birther conspiracy.” more here

18 Comments on Kamala Harris’ (aka Willie Brown’s side piece) upset after ‘birther’ attack

  1. “…what some are calling another form of the so-called “birther conspiracy.””

    yeah, that’s what they want to do. Associate her being an ‘anchor baby,’ and therefore ineligible for the office of the Presidency, with another issue that they will then dismiss. They want to get it out of the way without even considering it.
    It is a variation of a strawman argument. It is Pelosi’s ‘smear’ tactic, worked from another angle, being used as a ‘wipe.’
    During obama’s birth status controversy, it was ballyhooed that he _was_ eligible, because one of his parents was a US citizen. That argument was in rebuttal to that of his not being eligible if neither of his parents were US citizens. If that is not so, then the citizenship of his mother would not have been raised, and the entire argument dismissed. In her case, _neither_ parent was a citizen. They really don’t want to have attention directed to her birth status. It needs to be brought out into daylight.
    I’ll readily admit that she is indeed not white. She isn’t ‘african-American.’ There, that is out of the way.

    kamala harris is an anchor baby. She is not eligible for the office of the Presidency.

  2. PMSNBC is playing the truth up like it’s an Obama birther movement.
    I commented about Harris’ actual heritage and ancestors being slave owners on a local news station’s fb. Some leftist replied, “lying scum troll”. I posted the articles with proof of the truth. No response now.
    Liberals are mentally and intellectually lazy. They parrot what they’ve been told to without thinking or doing any investigations for themselves.

  3. @toby miles July 1, 2019 at 12:32 pm

    > She is not eligible for the office of the Presidency.

    As has been proven, again quite recently, she is both completely eligible and eminently qualified. To be named President of The United States. Perhaps it is some other presidency you’re concerned about?


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