Kamala Harris already becoming a problem for Biden White House – IOTW Report

Kamala Harris already becoming a problem for Biden White House

American Thinker-

By Thomas Lifson

I suspect that regret already is setting in among his handlers over their pick of Kamala Harris for Joe Biden’s running mate. The first of what will be many clean-up efforts began yesterday for her bungling an incident 8 days in office.  CNN reports:

The White House called Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin after Vice President Kamala Harris conducted interviews with West Virginia media, according to a person with knowledge of the conversation.

The outreach comes after Harris’ apparent move to apply pressure on Manchin frustrated the conservative Democrat, something that he made clear over the weekend.

The pressure VP Harris attempted to apply came in the form of an exclusive interview she granted to WSAZ TV in Huntington, WV. Curiously, I have been unable to locate a video clip on Rumble or YouTube or Twitter. Even WSAZ’s own website is not making available what has to be one of the most newsworthy broadcast moments in the station’s history.

In the interview, Harris tried to pressure the popular former governor by speaking directly to his own constituents: more

23 Comments on Kamala Harris already becoming a problem for Biden White House

  1. Kamala is exactly what ‘they’ wanted! A tool. Nothing more, nothing less. She has less value than a Craftsman wrench.

    Same for China Joe, sucking on his obamination penis shaped pacifier, under those masks! That’s the only way ‘they’ can control the foot in mouth gobble gook spewing from his mouth.

    IDIOCRACY has become real!

  2. And Newsmax is becoming a problem for us already.

    Mike Lindell, the mypillow guy, was on and the anchor went berzerk and walked off the set because lindell said the election was stolen. The anchor actually tried his hardest to make lindell stop talking about it, and when lindell would not back down, the anchor got up and left while cameras still rolled.

    The anchor said ‘we have not verified and no courts have ruled. That kind of bullshit. Oh, and the states certified the results, too. That’s supposed to mean something, i guess, to a libtard.

    People got fired for criticizing black ass liars matter back when they were protesting and now people are scared shitless of getting fired for backing the protesters on our side.

    Hitler and Stalin would envy what the democrats are doing.

  3. ‘I love it when a plan comes together’ 🤣
    let them run things for a while and see how easy it is. 👍
    now they’re shitting all over themselves and even the MSM can’t clean it up or perfume the outhouse fast enough. 💩
    this is the dems re-fill and re-occupy the swamp moment. 👽
    keep the magnifier glass over them so when the sun is high you’ll see the smoke along with the flames. 🗑🔥
    enjoy the show, it just keeps getting better.

  4. Look Harris is a useless twat, I get that. But you mean to tell me the VP needs squishy Manchin’s permission to discuss policy to WV constituents, no matter how ill-informed she is? WE really are becoming less free. And to Manchin, sh*t or get off the pot. I’m sick of trying to please this ass clown.

  5. I gave up on American Thinker after they printed that groveling retraction of their coverage on Dominion. Either they knowingly failed to do their homework when printing those stories, or they buckled to the pressure Dominion brought down on them. The first makes them fools, the second makes them cowards, and I have no time for either one.

  6. If Rush is correct that the real power making the Biden administration’s decisions is Obama and this Obama’s third term then Harris is just there as Biden’s impeachment insurance. Looked at this way, the more stupid she is the better she works as impeachment insurance.

  7. Vindicates my theory that her president of vice will be the real guy the Demos want.

    As I say, she better be watching her 6.

    Joe B.

    Can a VP be fired?

    As always, Pelosi Galore impeaches the wrong one. She’ll get tossed when somebody catches her blowing the Speaker.

  8. “I suspect that regret already is setting in among his handlers over their pick of Kamala Harris for Joe Biden’s running mate. The first of what will be many clean-up efforts began yesterday…”

    Clean-up because she keeps sticking everything into her mouth.


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