Kamala Harris announces $2 billion Central America investment amid migration crisis – IOTW Report

Kamala Harris announces $2 billion Central America investment amid migration crisis

Wa Ex:

Private-sector corporations will invest $2 billion into northern Central America under a Biden administration initiative meant to improve economic conditions in the region amid mass migration to Mexico and the United States.

Vice President Kamala Harris announced Tuesday morning that 10 new companies have pledged to pour more than $1.9 billion in investments into El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras. Companies and nonprofit organizations, including Gap, Visa, Coatl, and AgroAmerica, were among the newest batch of government partners.

“These, we think, are pretty sizable direct investments in economies the size of the three countries in question, and they will be responsible for creating tens of thousands of jobs,” a senior administration official said in a call with reporters Monday evening.

Clothing company Gap will increase its sourcing of materials from Central America to $50 million per year with an intention to surpass $150 million by 2025, according to a White House statement. It estimated that 5,000 additional jobs will be created in the region. Financial service company Visa will pour in $270 million over the next five years toward bringing people and small- and medium-sized businesses into the global financial system. more

20 Comments on Kamala Harris announces $2 billion Central America investment amid migration crisis

  1. I wonder how much of this “investment” will be skimmed off the top by corrupt government officials … before the corrupt government officials in the Central American countries get their chance?

  2. Mind you I don’t know whether they’ve really considered the advantages of owning a really fine set of modern Federal Reserve encyclopædias. You know, they can really do you wonders.

  3. Do the legitimate hispanics in this country realize when the SHTF they will be sitting duck targets for all the angry citizens of this country who will do whatever is necessary to clear this country of illegals?

  4. Why shouldn’t trashy moron whore Kamalllalla be able to throw Billion$ of ther peoples’ money around?? She’s every bit as qualified as dope addict Hunter-san.

  5. @Jethro June 8, 2022 at 4:16 pm

    > they will be sitting duck targets for all the angry citizens of this country who will do whatever is necessary to clear this country of illegals?

    And by “necessary”, you mean Door Dash delivery of “street” tacos? Same as it ever was? Right?

  6. How much gets funneled back to the DNC or maybe even the big guy? Dems don’t just give money away even if it is taxpayer money. A portion has to get funneled back through the various laundering operations they have in place.


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