Kamala Harris Blames Not Being a ‘White Man’ for Soaring Unpopularity – IOTW Report

Kamala Harris Blames Not Being a ‘White Man’ for Soaring Unpopularity

Neon Nettle-

Democrat Kamala Harris has reportedly complained that she’d be far more popular if she were a “white man.”

According to a report in The New York Times, Harris blames the negative media coverage she receives on her race and gender, not her own actions.

However, despite her excuses, “white man” Joe Biden is disastrously unpopular too.

The Times reports that Harris has been privately complaining to her allies that the media’s coverage of her would be better if she were any of her 48 white male predecessors.

She reportedly confided in them about the difficulties she’s facing with her assigned portfolio from the White House. more here

37 Comments on Kamala Harris Blames Not Being a ‘White Man’ for Soaring Unpopularity

  1. Openly stupid.

    She only HAS the job BECAUSE she’s a dark complected female.

    Setting aside what a demonstrable idiot she is, what a terrible boss and poor excuse for a human being, she would never even have HAD the opportunity to find out if this was true were she a White Male because the Pedo openenly discriminated against White Males by publicly announcing they were eliminated from consideration early on, so how a White Male Kamala that got there by literally sucking dick would be received by the American public now is an academic question at best, since there was NO possibility it would have EVER happened due to open Democrat racism against Whites and Males.

    Try again, whore. Maybe go suck the pollsters dick if its a hated White CIS male. It got you where you are today, that and your skin color, so ya never know…

  2. Her hubris and idiocy collide. She honestly thinks she should be more popular, while not actually doing anything to get there.

    Then she thinks she would be more popular if she were a white man. I think that is true, though mostly because she wouldn’t have been selected to be *Resident of Vice, so she would be living in obscurity and people wouldn’t hate her as much. Unless she pulled a Stacey Abrams. (insert joke here)

  3. Sorry Kummala, it isn’t because you are not a white male that people don’t like you.

    It is because you are an ignorant worthless cunt cumdumpster that has no business being in the position that you are in.

    Only other worthless race baiting whores would want to have anything to do with a filthy piece of trash like you.

  4. Hey biatch!
    “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.”
    /mic drop

  5. I assume she means that the non-White peoples that can’t stand her would prefer a White male, too. Can’t blame them really. The countries that used to be run by White males were always the places non-Whites ran to to get a part of the good life.

  6. The Times also expanded on the counsel Clinton gave Harris about being in her position as a woman in politics. “There is a double standard; it’s sadly alive and well,” Clinton said. “A lot of what is being used to judge her, just like it was to judge me, or the women who ran in 2020, or everybody else, is really colored by that.”


  7. Yeah, it’s because you’re not a white dude.

    Not because you cackle like a fiend at things that should be taken seriously.
    Not because you Usurped the Vice Presidency.
    Not because your own Party didn’t feel you qualified to even run.
    Not because (except for the tongue thing) you are completely worthless.
    Not because you are bordering on retarded.
    Not because you are unable to relate a simple fact – ANY simple fact.
    Not because you are a pathological liar.
    Not because you are a participant in the most corrupt administration in History.

    Naw – none of that shit – it’s cuz you ain’t a white dude – got it.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  8. FFS Please not the democrat whine, it’s the patriarchy and systemic racism.

    What are her assignments? She could hog the news cycles every day if she could report her work product.

    I believe I read somewhere that she only recently moved into her west wing office. So, where has she been all this time? So far her only contributions are the tried and not true “it’s the patriarchy and systemic racism.”

    I know you all know this already.

    I can’t bring myself to speculate which street corner in the red light district she has been working all this time?

  9. Imagine being a person regardless of sex or color selected as vice president because you are a life inurance policy for the life insurance policy formerly known as vice president for Obama?

  10. Kamal Mao is a piss poor individual and Vice President – period.
    She’s a twitching, cackling, vapid, narcissistic, evil, lying slut.
    Leave it to a leftist tool to use skin color as an excuse for their rotten personality and rotten policies.

  11. The old saying: pigs get fed, hogs get slaughtered.

    She’s been an undeserving pig at the trough, fucking and sucking her way through. Now, she’s fat, and covered with crusty semen, and she’s complaining.

    Slaughter of the hog.

  12. Nothing new here. You’ll never see a democrat taking responsibility for their own actions or policies. Always blame someone else, play the race card.
    The crackling hyena is no different. In fact she is among the dumbest and most hated democrat politicians, even in her own party.

  13. Pretty sure she hasn’t noticed, but among politicians, corporate chieftains, bureaucrats, and media personalities even white men are pretty much reviled by the general public. And with VERY good reason as well. Ugly is ugly and stoopid is stoopid, yo. You be both.

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