Kamala Harris Called on to Invoke 25th Amendment and Remove Biden from Office – IOTW Report

Kamala Harris Called on to Invoke 25th Amendment and Remove Biden from Office

Neon Nettle:

Democrat Kamala Harris is being called on to invoke the 25th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution to remove regime leader Joe Biden from office as the crisis he created in Afghanistan continues to spiral out of control.

U.S. Rep. Madison Cawthorn (R-NC) has issued a call to action to Harris to put the process in motion for removing Biden following his deadly, botched withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan.

“Our nation is at a crisis point,” Cawthorn wrote in a letter Thursday to Harris and the rest of the administration.

The freshman Republican warned of China’s ambitions on the world stage, the resurgence of Russia, rising inflation, chaos at the southern border, and other global predicaments threatening the U.S.

He also argued that confronting them will take strong, decisive leadership – something Biden appears to be lacking.

“Joe Biden’s physical inability to lead is not a political talking point – it’s a demonstrable fact,” Cawthorn told Fox News on Thursday evening. more

25 Comments on Kamala Harris Called on to Invoke 25th Amendment and Remove Biden from Office

  1. She’s too busy burning taxpayer money by going on worthless, low value trips here and there and everywhere where there’s little threat of annoying questions from news outlets.

  2. Boo Radley Obama Biden is not ready to permanently retire to the Wilmington Hideout just yet. If the 25th Amendment is invoked, it might reveal how diminished Dementia Joe’s cognitive abilities were before he even was awarded the Nomination. This would reveal who knew he was unfit for the Presidency and who has been handling his Residency since the Installation.

  3. I’ve always believed that this was in fact always the plan, but just not yet. My thinking was that they wanted to get Joe over the halfway point, so that Harris could finish out his term and potentially run for two more. Unfortunately, Joe is falling apart even faster than they anticipated. Just be aware that if this actually happens, we don’t just wind up with President Harris, we also wind up with Vice President Pelosi.

  4. No. The whole administration needs to be impeached in it’s entirety. Leave NO ONE left who could continue this decent into slavery for the US citizens.

    That includes the unelected, alphabet institutions, media, medical officials and the local dog catchers.

    Let’s fundamentally transform our nation back to the original US Constitution.

  5. When I think of strong, decisive leadership, curiously, she doesn’t come to mind. I suppose she could cackle before running away. Joe just runs so that would be more… presidential?

    I was thinking, is there any reason why the Biden presidential library can’t be in Kabul?

  6. @Claudia — Exactly right. The all need to go.

    The mechanism for impeachment and removal is utterly broken. That means that for all practical purposes removal will have to be accomplished by other means. And THAT means we should look NOT to the Constitution but rather to the Declaration of Independence.

  7. Who says Piglousy becomes VP is the whore gets the pResidency? She’s next in line for the presidency NOT the VP position. That will be determined by the Senate and without the whore in the Senate anymore to breal a tie it could potentionally be a real shit show.

  8. @heatsync – that’s not how it works. Just because Pelosi is 2nd in line behind Kamala does not mean that she automatically becomes VP when the demented one is 25th out of there.

    Kamala does become President (God help us all) and then a candidate is nominated and goes before Congress and Senate for approval. See Gerald Ford. When Nixon resigned and Gerald Ford became President, Nelson Rockefeller went through hearings and a vote – hint – Rockefeller was not Speaker of the House.

  9. When I start seeing D’s behind the names of people calling for Biden to be removed, either by impeachment or the 25th, I’ll start thinking something will happen. As long as it’s R’s, things will remain the same.

  10. Does that mean that all of his executive orders are invalid because he lacked the mental capacity to understand WHAT THE FUCK HE WAS DOING!

  11. Claudia AUGUST 28, 2021 AT 9:49 AM
    Let’s fundamentally transform our nation back to the original US Constitution.

    Currently being pulled numerous directions and using IOTW for distraction and sanity. Stop, stop, you’re driving me sane…

    Anyway Claudia without fact checking the number of governmental leeches (employees?) I’m betting the the alphabet soup and other that is our government will never allow anyone to come in and rock the boat. Great idea, but look at where the last guy (non club member) is that actually tried and did improve things. How many decades and how many honest men would it take to get it done through the system as it is now if you could find and elect them?

    Sadly as many here have suggested it would take blood and I don’t see the logistics of that one working right now either. Their control prevents the successful command and control by any uprising. This ain’t a simple one time “fire and maneuver” to get it done.

    Sorry to be a crepe hanger…
    Would love to see it happen, but this fat, old, broken down carcass will have no value in the fire fight. Maybe I could load ammo, but that’s about it.

  12. My job as thread ender is done here as I move on to be the last to comment elsewhere. It’s in keeping with talking to myself as nobody else will listen to me.

    Some try to first, I bring up the rear.

  13. This would give you Kamala as a president.
    If that happens, you can safely bet Hillary and other creeps would make it to the new admin, one way or another. It would not even surprise me of Hillary was not appointed to by Kamala to be her vice president if this happened.
    The proper way to do this, win the House and the Senate, and that would make Biden a lame duck president for the rest of his term, assuming he would not resign by then.

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