Kamala Harris caught ‘fabricating’ key detail on her resume as she casts doubts on her most touted claims – IOTW Report

Kamala Harris caught ‘fabricating’ key detail on her resume as she casts doubts on her most touted claims

Mirror US-

Kamala Harris has always taken pride in her time as a prosecutor.

In an interview with Oprah in 2005, the talk show host boasted about the Democratic presidential nominee had a “90 percent conviction rate” during her time as a district attorney in San Francisco from 2004-2011. It is something her office also had claimed at the time as well. But it seems that rate is not fully the case.

According to police detectives in a 2006 article from the SFGate, have said that her “track record on crimes doesn’t match her rhetoric” They also accused her of being slow to prosecute murder suspects as well.

Capt. Tim Hettrich of the narcotics and vice units credits at the time credited the current vice president for securing loopholes bail and drug programs exploited by defendant which lead to more suspects facing jail time but said she offered favorable deals to resolve cases of trial and refused to prosecute others. more

7 Comments on Kamala Harris caught ‘fabricating’ key detail on her resume as she casts doubts on her most touted claims

  1. Democrats enjoy the unique luxury of lying at will knowing the media whores will never call them on it. The sheep who vote for them will never hear the truth and do not care to hear it.

  2. Weak people (aka: Demwits) are not able to face reality unfortunately. They refuse to see what’s right in front of their face in order to keep what they believe is reality, falsely, to prevent them from understanding how fucking stupid they’ve been all their lives.

    Many times reality sucks. However, ignoring reality always sucks more in the long run.

  3. A 90% conviction rate means very little, since almost 90% of cases are handled with a plea bargain. Those pleas are almost 100% to reduced charges (by quantity and/or severity). If her conviction rate is roughly the same as the plea deal rate, that means her people aren’t winning many cases that actually go to trial.


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