Kamala Harris’ Communications Chief Quits – IOTW Report

Kamala Harris’ Communications Chief Quits


…Etienne, a highly promoted star among Democrats who previously served as communications chief for Nancy Pelosi, largely failed in her efforts to convey the vice president’s activities in a positive light to the American people. A recent poll from USA Today and Suffolk University found that the vice president has a historically low approval rating of 28 percent. And CNN reported that Harris’ supporters said they could “see no coherent public sense of what she’s done or been trying to do as vice president.  more

17 Comments on Kamala Harris’ Communications Chief Quits

  1. You can’t make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear.

    She may be shit at being a human being, but she’s no different than the other shit on the left and infesting our government, schools and media.

  2. I’m sure Cumswalla can gain meaningful employment as a substitute automatic milker in a dairy processing farm should their equipment fail, manual work but she is qualified.

  3. Because Commiela is about as authentic as a mirage, Etienne tried using mirages to authentic her.

    Her bosom clutching “I just love that”, scripted actors and “craters of the moon” where intended to humanize the Commie robot but alas nothing can be done when you have to count on a retard like Commiela.

    The fake frog Pepe La Phew accent was the final straw. No self respecting Etienne could handle that.

    It’s also interesting that these fixers only agree to a year’s combat tour up front. They recognize going in that a year is 365 days to many to work with Simple Jack.


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