Here goes Democrats playing the gender and race card once again, blaming their lack of achievements on these two factors. At the end of her second term as vice president, Kamala Harris is complaining that the media didn’t cover her as fairly as she would have liked.

In an interview with the Washington Post, Harris claimed that she accomplished many things but the media wouldn’t report on it.
“There are things that I’ve done as vice president that fully demonstrate the strength of my leadership as vice president that has not received the kind of coverage that I think [the] Dobbs [decision] did receive,” Harris told columnist Jonathan Capehart. MORE
Be careful what you wish for.
“… Harris claimed that she accomplished many things but the media wouldn’t report on it.”
yeah, like giving willie brown, the mayor of san francrisco oral sex in exchange for the start of her poletical career.
she’s a skank, but I might agree with her a bit on this one
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We complain that Kamala doesn’t have the accomplishments for us to cover her fairly.
“There are things that I’ve done as vice president that fully demonstrate the strength of my leadership as Vice President…”
OMG…she thinks she is 2024 presidential material!
I betcha fruitcake to donuts, that there are twitter/facebook communications relating to the 2020 campaign and her and willie brown
let’s see what those are, and give that fair coverage
How sure are we that Zalensky does not have a, an or another US Passport and Birth Certificate?
Holy Moly. Could They Do It?
Let me cover you fairly, you are a whore. You prostituted your body to a married man who was the most political monster in California who used you until he moved on to younger meat.
You are an unethical, imbecilic, ridiculous, vacuous, vindictive and ugly bitch who is so white you had a surgeon widen your nose so you could pander as a “half” black that the Demonrats love because they refuse to support a real black for President.
You are an talentless, immature child. You were to stupid to pass the bar and failed three times till your pimp threatened to fire the entire State Legal Review Board.
You are committed liar about every facet of your life like your white racist boss. You are a life long opportunist without a single moral fiber.
You are a lazy, unmotivated, shrew who is universally hated. by everyone you have ever interacted with, especially your subordinates.
You are to stupid to form a cogent independent thought or express one. You are a vain, insecure, child hating cunt.
You have not contributed a single valuable thing to anyone or this nation in your entire worthless life. You are meaningless and will be jettisoned as you are no longer useful just like your first pimp when he was done with you.
You are a satanic communist bitch. You cannot reproduce because you diseased womb was removed so you live to murder and sacrifice children.
You are a noxious poison puffer fish. You serve no purpose other than acting as a cancerous tumor on freedom and Liberty.
The world will be a better place when you pass, a day long in the future when you will be barely remembered.
Go straight to hell you boil on America’s ass.
She is dumb. If anything, the media is underreporting it.
Si, Cisco Kid.
She should thank the press for hiding most of her.
Cisco, Cisco, Cisco … c’mon man … tell us what you really think …
don’t sugarcoat it …
Her Biggest International Accomplishment was overseeing the Sardine Packers packing their Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner around on their heads on some island somewhere on the other side of the World.
Of theu covered her fairly, they’d be releasing the sex freak videos of her so many men she serviced have collected.
Everything she knows about space she learned from:
California is the land of dreams. Take another hit. Dream on.
Activate the kneepad cams.
That ought to cover everything nicely.
They could document her rise to power in politics but not everyone would be comfortable logging onto Pornhub.
You know what’s not fair cunt?. When you suck few dicks and become second in line “leader” of the country.
Of course it’s all because of misogyny and racism, right on cue.
@ Wild Bill
Kakamala, the media have reported nothing because you’ve done clucking¹ nothing. That seems quite fair to me.
1. I’m trying to switch from foul language to fowl language.
The media should cover Camel-la-la with six feet of dirt, butt dirt.