Kamala Harris getting an early start on losing the 2020 election? – IOTW Report

Kamala Harris getting an early start on losing the 2020 election?


Michelle Malkin:

**Written by Doug Powers

Fast forward to a hypothetical 2020 where California Sen. Kamala Harris is the Democrat nominee. Historians might later trace her election loss back to this point in time:

Yes, by all means, give Team Hillary veterans a very large role in the process. MORE


18 Comments on Kamala Harris getting an early start on losing the 2020 election?

  1. My guess is, the Hillary Team people think they would have won this in a landslide if only Hillary wasn’t their candidate. Many of Team Clinton worked on Team Obama. And I’m thinking they believe a caramel-colored female will give them that same kind of victory as Obama. Who was, for all intents and purposes, a caramel-colored femme.

  2. Dianny – O/T

    Vin Suprynowicz has one of your images on part 1 of his current article. It’s right at the end above the comments.

    He doesn’t explicitly attribute pics but at least he does leave on watermarks and on-image credits.

    There’s also an iOTWREPORT image closer to the top.

  3. Please, please, please let the democRATs be in the position of picking the designated loser for a couple of election cycles. I’m not necessarily advocating a 2nd term for DJT but another ‘progressive’ in the highest office will truly spell the doom of the Republic.

  4. Never forget: The human has has a short term political memory, is generally politically ignorant and easily politically manipulated. Toxic Hillary was the problem, the weakness in the equation, not her spin team. If a charismatic candidate is part of the equation, then the human voter can be drawn in.

    Do not underestimate the ignorance of the American voter, once the equation is balanced. Remember Obama?

  5. PHenry, rand doesn’t care for Trump, so I doubt he’s concerned about any side-effects from cozy work w/KH. And billypaint, you forgot to include Little curly-top Debbie for the winning team.

  6. @anon Every sheeple I know will look at Kamala as the second coming of Obama with the bonus that she’s a woman. It’s ludicrous but she has a terrific chance of winning IMHO- just because she’s not Trump and she ticks the all of the proper SJW boxes. The NeverTrumpers will be just fine with her election too. 😡

  7. Just think if the democrats gave all their campaign money to THE POOR instead of negative attack ads, they might be running this country right now.

    But then, how would Dems get the poor off their lazy ass to vote if they are comfortable and happy?

  8. No matter what they feel obliged to tell pollsters, Americans don’t really trust the idea of a woman President.
    And Obama poisoned the well for black candidates as well.

    What hardcore Dem donors will contribute to, and what American Independents and Conservatives will actually vote for, aren’t the same.

    If Trump can successfully self-deport millions of Illegsl voters, and enact real enforcement for Voter ID and ballot-integrity laws, the Dems will be be out of power a long time.

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