Kamala Harris’ Great-Great-Great Grandfather Was A Slave Owner – IOTW Report

Kamala Harris’ Great-Great-Great Grandfather Was A Slave Owner

14 Comments on Kamala Harris’ Great-Great-Great Grandfather Was A Slave Owner

  1. Anonymous AUGUST 17, 2020 AT 8:21 AM
    “She owes reparations for this.”

    …and as soon as she gets in the White House she will pay them, with YOUR money…

  2. …actually, Black people enslaving Black people is pretty common.

    …not WAS pretty common.

    …IS pretty common. NOW. TODAY.

    …oddly, this doesn’t seem to bother anyone worried about crap that happened 170 years ago, easier to pull down statues than it is to actually, you know, END SLAVERY, especially when it’s protected classes doing the enslaving becuase that CERTAINLY isn’t the story they want to tell…


    …you’ll notice it’s pretty popular in Islamic contries, too, not to mention parts of Minnesota and Michigan where Muslims have congregated.

    But, since hated White Christians aren’t involved, THAT be OK, it just dey kultur, now look over THERE, it’s a statue so it MUST be about White Suprmeacy, we MUST pull it down becuase, white BAD, Christian BAD, America BAD, Orange man BAD, REEEEEEEET!!!

  3. She used to be Indian-American before she found out she got more leverage as an “African-American”. Now she’s just a nuther disingenuous, opportunistic, conniving, two-faced, pandering democRAT hiding behind a drugged-up grinning imbecile!

  4. “I’m coming! I’m coming! for her head is bending low;
    I hear those gentle voices calling, “Oh Black Hoe”.”
    (apologies to Stephen Foster)

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. This is a bitter pill for the democrats and BLM, isn’t ‘it. The great-great-great-grandfathers of most, if not all, “people of color” were slave owners, or enslaved by others of their own race back in their country of origin. But they’ll never admit it. They’ll swallow it down with the facial expression of having just eaten a sweat fruit.


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