Kamala Harris has a bigger California problem than you think – IOTW Report

Kamala Harris has a bigger California problem than you think

Wa Ex;

In the hopes of skewing the Democratic presidential primary further Left than in previous years, California shifted its presidential primary from June to Super Tuesday on March 3, 2020. Fans of Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., have argued that California’s newly enhanced influence on the primary system will give her an edge in the crucial first month of voting. People who argue this obviously don’t know California very well.

On paper, Harris looks like the front-runner in the Golden State:

  • a lefty who revels in the prospect of waging war against President Trump
  • well-connected former district attorney and state attorney general
  • telegenic
  • a woman of color
  • and mostly importantly, a Gen Xer who — mostly — doesn’t seem like she’s trying too hard.

[…] But she’s got a California problem. The problem is based in palace intrigue, her prosecutorial past, and identity politics.

But Hollywood cash isn’t her only problem back home.

“Kamala is a cop” isn’t just an angry cry by Bernie bros and Trump trolls.   MORE

22 Comments on Kamala Harris has a bigger California problem than you think

  1. Kamala doesn’t stand a chance against Trump but serves a useful purpose for him and his supporters by clearly showing what she, the Democrats, and the rest of the Leftists actually stand for and how they think.

    That’ll help in keeping the Republican base motivated and increase their turnout.

  2. The left in California Loooooooove Kamala. She checks all the necessary boxes; woman of color, connected to royalty (Willie Brown, Gavin Newsome), supports open borders and sanctuary cities, adores socialism, supports reparations, free college, a living wage and has zero hesitation in stealing from the rich to buy votes.

    Her one disability is that she is not bright, not by a long shot.

  3. How would I know? It’s baseball season. Hell, I googled his name and freaked out like an arachnophobe visiting tarantula town during mating season.

  4. I don’t understand how she can even be running. She is an anchor baby.
    Neither of her parents were US citizens at the time of her birth. After her parents’ separation, at age 7 harris and her mother moved to canada, where harris was raised until graduating from high school. There is no evidence of her mother ever becoming a US citizen. Her father did become a citizen, after divorcing her mother. Additionally, she may have received dual citizenships by reason of her parent’s nationality, from either or both at the time of her birth. If that is so, she has not renounced that status. She is not ‘naturally born,’ as required. Simply stated, she is not constitutionally certifiable as being eligible for the office of US President.
    Plus- she is a vindictive bitch.

  5. Wisconsin?

    That place owes me a commemorative park bench for saving Scott Walkers bacon during the recall.

    I wish it to be placed in Appleton. Also, I wish to be named Lord Protectorate of Wisconsin posthumously, but I’d like to enjoy the benefits while I’m still alive.

  6. Toby Miles: Why hasn’t someone in California filed a complaint or lawsuit about this issue? Is it because Obama’s questionable birth certificate has immunized this anchor baby? If she will run for President knowing that she doesn’t meet the eligibility requirements of the US Constitution, what would she do to it if she got elected? Senator Michael Bennett was born in New Delhi, India. Is he qualified under the Constitution? I remember John McCain qualifying to run because he was born in the Panama Canal Zone when it was under American control. I also recall that George Romney was questioned about his eligibility, because he was born in Mexico. I can just hear her claiming racism the minute this is raised.

  7. Marco- I don’t know why it hasn’t been raised as an issue, other than it will be painted as being ‘raciss.’ In the case of mccain, there was specific legislation passed to insure he was eligible, having been born out of the country on a military base in Panama. With obama, it was argued that his mother’s citizenship alone provided for his eligibility. (Do remember that on clinton’s first trip out of the country as SoS, she went to the ‘Hall of Records’ in the UK, where birth records are kept for the entire UK, including Kenya). Her age makes that questionable, but he got away with it. In harris’ case, neither parent was a citizen, and that makes this a real question for the ‘natural born’ requirement. In the case of obama, many challengers to his eligibility were denied legal standing to exercise their challenge. That will/would likely be the case for harris, but her argument is less viable than obama’s. If I could figure out how to establish standing, i would gladly challenge it, but the time for formality is not yet, I don’t think. When pelosi provided the congress’ certificate of eligibility for obama, she did so with two separate and different documents, one of which merely certified him as being ‘eligible,’ and the other as ‘constitutionally eligible.’
    Not a whole lot of people are aware of harris’ history and her being an anchor baby. I stir it up every time I see her mentioned.
    That, and she really is a vindictive bitch.

  8. Toby Miles: Thank you for raising this issue. I’m sure more people will start talking and writing about it as she continues to grate on people with her pushy attitude and lousy record. Obama never would have made it to the starting gate if the MSDM had been doing their job, and if someone other than McCain was running against him. This could be a wonderful comeuppance and a crashing downfall.

  9. Toby Miles: Thanks for the link. Very interesting. This should not be allowed to happen. It’s further proof that the Socialist-Demographic-Reparations-Homosexualist Party could care less about the Constitution of the United States.


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