Kamala Harris Painfully Rambles On for Two Minutes When Asked If Putin Should Be Removed – IOTW Report

Kamala Harris Painfully Rambles On for Two Minutes When Asked If Putin Should Be Removed

Trending Politics –

It’s becoming a bit of a mystery how Kamala Harris even passed the bar exam, let alone became Vice President of the United States.

Kamala was recently asked about Biden’s remark — which he subsequently denied ever making — that Russian president Vladimir Putin should not ‘remain in power.’ Try to endure the whole thing. Watch:

14 Comments on Kamala Harris Painfully Rambles On for Two Minutes When Asked If Putin Should Be Removed

  1. I can’t stress enough the importance of the passage of time. Namely, first, and I support this, that time passes and that it should be allowed to pass, which I support directly and indirectly, and secondly, it’s important enough that it get stressed, you know, that the passage of time is important in its own right.

  2. The most important take is that Joy has recovered from the alopcanoodle hair loss and will continue using a wig taken from the mane of a chestnut colored stallion named Jimbo…..

  3. Lies coming out of both sides of her mouth.

    She looks jittery and not really believing what she is saying. She never directly answered the question. Western leaders just want to appear to be vigorously opposed to Putin. If she was hooked up to a lie detector, the needle would be taking some wild upward swings.

    She says the US and its allies have given huge amounts of money and support to Ukraine. Millions of its citizens are trying to escape to Poland. What help? Sanctions against Russia and holding Putin accountable? How is that helping Ukrainians now? I don’t see it.

    Then she says the US supports sovereignty and viable borders. Like hell!

    When the dust settles, everyone will forget Ukraine and welcome Putin back to the Big Boys Club of International Gangsters. Actually, he probably never left the club. They’ll strut around and squawk about how they saved humanity from WWIII.

  4. Speaking of annoying speakers, I guess Barry called Pedo Joe the VP today and mentioned himself 33 times.
    He’s coming out from behind the curtain. Joe can’t even be a decent puppet.
    Kamala wore her UPS uniform.

  5. Kamala after she answered the question:

    I want to talk again about the passage of time thing. The passage of time is painful, maybe like the passing of a gallstone. It’s kind of like the way time is. Over time, it all ends and all begins. Just like how the sun and moon rise and fall on opposite sides of the world. So, you see, time is a good thing, maybe our best friend. Without time, we would not be able to tell what’s already happened and what will happen tomorrow. Without time, our ability to understand things would not work very well. So every day, we should thank time for being there for us.

  6. What chucklehead would pose such a question? We are beset with idiots, morons and naive children.

    And if you think voting is going to save this country all I can tell you is take a look at the three categories above. You are one of them.

  7. Who says “she” passed the Bar exam? (She failed it the first time.) It could have been a scam, helped by Willie Brown. Maybe she got her law license the same place Obama got his birth certificate.

  8. Some law students pass the bar by really cramming hard before the test.
    Kamalallala crammed hard, every semester the entire semester. You know what and where she was cramming.


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