Kamala Harris proposes a new ‘Voting Rights Act’ to force anti-abortion states under DoJ supervision – IOTW Report

Kamala Harris proposes a new ‘Voting Rights Act’ to force anti-abortion states under DoJ supervision

AT: Seeking the power of a constitutional amendment without the bother of having to pass an actual amendment, presidential candidate Kamala Harris has a new plan for mostly Southern states such as Alabama and Georgia, whose voters oppose abortion and whose elected representatives have moved to limit it.  Here’s what her own website says:

Kamala Harris believes we need to fight back and block these dangerous and deadly laws before they take effect. That’s exactly what she intends to do as president. Similar to the preclearance requirement of the Voting Rights Act, Harris will require, for the first time, that states and localities with a history of violating Roe v. Wade obtain approval from her Department of Justice before any abortion law or practice can take effect.

Seems the right to kill a kicking and squirming baby is now a civil right, and any move to stop the outrage is not at all different from a Jim Crow law, a civil rights offense, and therefore subjects an entire state and all its voters to DoJ supervision.  And what a coincidence: it’s the Southern states she is targeting.  Seems the South just can’t be punished enough.  more here


13 Comments on Kamala Harris proposes a new ‘Voting Rights Act’ to force anti-abortion states under DoJ supervision

  1. Let’s say for example a pregnant female person delivers a baby at home, and self performs an abortion on her clump of cells. Would she be prosecuted by Kamala Harris’ DOJ?

  2. Kamala Harris is simply a bit player in a larger production. The “hmmmmmmm” is if she knows it or not. My 2 cents, and spidey sense, tells me she knows she is just a bit player doing her part to test the waters for what the REAL demonrat candidate will be able to foist on society. She is practicing “sacrifice now for something better later”. She is doing what she is being told to do and say by her higher ups.


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