Kamala Harris Reacts to Hamas Calling for Ceasefire: ‘Shrimp and Grits’ – IOTW Report

Kamala Harris Reacts to Hamas Calling for Ceasefire: ‘Shrimp and Grits’

Daily Caller:

Vice President Kamala Harris had an odd reaction to reporters asking her about the purported ceasefire framework from Qatar and Egypt which Hamas claimed it agreed to Monday.

“Madame Vice President, Hamas says it accepted a ceasefire deal. Your reaction?” a reporter asked her, a video Nick Sortor shared to Twitter shows.

“Shrimp and grits!” Harris interjected. “You wanted to know? Shrimp and grits,” she repeated as she pointed to a plastic bag presumably full of food.

The odd moment comes after an Al Jazeera report claimed that Hamas accepted a proposal for a ceasefire in Gaza which was put forth by Qatar and Egypt.

But critics claim the accepted deal is a sham and hasn’t been discussed with Israel at all. 
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17 Comments on Kamala Harris Reacts to Hamas Calling for Ceasefire: ‘Shrimp and Grits’

  1. “Madame Vice President”… lol you fawning obsequious journos, what happened to “Ms.”? Please don’t start calling Biden “Lord President”—no wait. Do that. It’s perfect.

    Now run along and figure out how “Shrimp and Grits was a really pithy comment.

  2. Once at work we were discussing the qualities of different refrigerants and one of the guys shouted “Pink Eye!”
    Completely killed the conversation – everyone just stopped and stared at him.
    After a few moments of silence (30 seconds or so) he said: “My shit’s weak!”

    Never figured him as a serious contender for Vice President – but now, I’m not so sure.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. “Fritz And Grits Give Me The Shitz”

    -Reference to ’70s campaign slogan about Walter “Fritz” Mondale and Jimmy “Grits” Carter.

  4. Yeah. That proposal is “shrimp and grits” for Israel. Non-kosher therefore unacceptable.

    Does she have brain damage from too much of the dangerous sex games? Is she just an android with the same frickin’auto correct my phone uses?

  5. Just had shrimp & grits made with local grits & gulf deep water Royal Red shrimp. Now I’m going to sit on the river bank & soak a worm. Maybe a nap too.

  6. It might have been the same press conference when she was asked about the record inflation the US has right now, she turned to the president of Poland and said, “A friend in need is a friend in deed.” He looked at the camera and gave a WTF look.


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