Kamala Harris repeats the phrase ‘our space cooperation’ three times in less than 30 seconds – IOTW Report

Kamala Harris repeats the phrase ‘our space cooperation’ three times in less than 30 seconds

‘strengthening our space cooperation would be a part of that agenda — including, of course, using our space cooperation…’

12 Comments on Kamala Harris repeats the phrase ‘our space cooperation’ three times in less than 30 seconds

  1. I’m surprised she didn’t pronounce it like chicken “coop”.
    You know, like how o’bummer pronounced “corpesman”…
    And that guy kept shaking his head up and down, thinking “when do I get my cut”?

  2. The ENTIRE Democratic Party would/should hang their head in shame….

    Sadly, they are self-appointed righteous liberals that have NO shame, NO morals, NO Give-A-Shit what-so-ever.

    AND….that means there isn’t one shred of compassion, understanding nor forgiveness among the entire Devil worshiping, GOD hating, pedophiles among them.

    With a simple apology…I acknowledge I may sometimes allow myself
    to express my true feelings.


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