Kamala Harris Takes Call with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Behalf of Joe Biden – IOTW Report

Kamala Harris Takes Call with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Behalf of Joe Biden

Gateway Pundit:

Who is really running the country?

Kamala Harris on Thursday spoke to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel as Joe Biden slouched around the White House.

Joe Biden hosted a group of House members at the White House on Thursday and joined a virtual call with NASA.

Apparently Biden’s schedule was so grueling today that he had to have his babysitter Kamala take another call with a foreign leader. read more

12 Comments on Kamala Harris Takes Call with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Behalf of Joe Biden

  1. 99 yr old Prince Phillip of Britain, laying on a hospital bed in serious condition probably has more cognitive function than demented Uncle Joe Xiden.
    Kackling VP Kamala Mao the next fake pResident to the rescue. Great.


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