Kamala Harris Vows to Eliminate Private Health Insurance – IOTW Report

Kamala Harris Vows to Eliminate Private Health Insurance

Dan Bongino: In a CNN townhall event last night, 2020 Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Kamala Harris (CA) vowed to eliminate private health insurance.

When asked by host Jake Tapper if people who like their private health insurance would be able to keep it under the candidate’s “medicare for all” proposal, Harris said they could not.  MORE

33 Comments on Kamala Harris Vows to Eliminate Private Health Insurance

  1. No more waiting for insurance companies to pre approve a procedure. Yeah, it will be the government approving a procedure. The only difference is that when the government says “no,” it ain’t happening. No GoFundMe or bake sales or benefactors. The answer is no.

    This from the people who sicked the IRS on conservatives. “Who did you say you supported iin the last election?

  2. She will be our next dictat….. er president. Funny thing is, I stated (with authority) that there was NO WAY that the American electorate would EVER elect Obola.
    Fooking idiots!
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  3. I’m about ready to vow that we eliminate
    private health insurance eliminators.

    She’s displaying her abysmal ignorance.
    Ever hear of Medicare Supplemental Insurance¹?
    Many Medicare recipients ALSO get PRIVATE INSURANCE.

    1. If not you didn’t watch much teevee last fall.

  4. The people who like Obamacare never thought they’d ever need it or be on it-so it was fashionable to support it. With Kamala coming out and telling people that everyone EVERYONE is going be a part of the government healthscare system-those folks might listen to the BS now and vote differently. Maybe.

    I think if that happens there will be something like Amazon Health or Google Health-the big tech giants will have a work around to the mess. Whether we can participate or not, is another question.

  5. this would be the final nail in the Alinsky plan to place all Conservatives in the grave. READ Rules for Radicals and you can see how control of Healthcare is the one of the key points. If you think your healthcare would be tied to how you voted, you are the smart one in the room. Look at how they weaponized the IRS and take that times 1,000.

  6. Hobama… Horizontal Harris… is already walking back her moment of truthiness with a palatable lie, claiming she’s “open to moderation”. If this cunt becomes POTUS, we’re all gonna be fucked.

  7. This woman was AG of California, which meant she was in charge of the bull shit regulations us Cali FFL’s had to comply with. We watched her redifine the definition of a “GUN” about four times during her tenure. Don’t believe her Pro 2a bull shit, she hates guns. The rank and file beneath her at that time will tell you she’s a good lay, but sharp as a marble. I personally have doubts about her being good in bed.

  8. So, the government can just decide to eliminate a private industry that millions of citizens voluntarily partake in. I suppose it can happen. Remember the incandescent light bulb?

  9. When I was young and pretty, not like now, I was Job Shopping different machine shops and the deductions for my health care were under a $100.00 dollars. Actually it was about $70.00. Both my sons work at Job Shops, they pay approximately $800.00 a month for health care. And believe me it’s the worst policy you could dig up. What changed? GOVERNMENT INTERVENTION. Figure it out.

  10. MJA

    My personal impression, only one way to shut her up. Like a young calf on a bottle.

    The not funny part is trash like this is even being considered to run for the highest office in the land.

  11. Val

    No worries. Her mother was from India, her father Jamaican. Both quickly elevated in the Cali libtard Schools of indoctrination. Bezerkly and Standford. She met, how do you like my Willie Brown, while he was married, and the rest is stained sheets. Our best and brightest.

  12. ALL pay attention, she is The One, who else will it be?

    @Crackerbaby – Unfortunately I agree, I can see her going all the way. PERFECT Identity Politics and leftist Marxist divisive rhetoric. Black woman? You heard it from Crackerbaby and me…

    We are in for quite a ride…

  13. Val & BB-
    I wrote on here the other day about her parents not being citizens at the time of her birth, and that she is an ‘anchor baby.’ She and her mother, for whom there is no proof that she ever became a US citizen, moved to Canada, when she was in second grade, I think it was. She graduated from high school in Montreal, then returned to the US for college


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