Kamala Harris Was Part of Joe Biden’s Disastrous Withdrawal From Afghanistan – IOTW Report

Kamala Harris Was Part of Joe Biden’s Disastrous Withdrawal From Afghanistan

Democrats and the media don’t like to talk about it, but Joe Biden’s botched withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021 was one of the things that led to his downfall.

You can look at a graph of Biden’s approval rating and pinpoint the exact moment of the withdrawal. His approval numbers went upside down and never recovered.

Now that the media is desperately trying to rewrite history, it’s important to remember that Kamala Harris was part of that process and even defended it months later.

Harris even tried to take credit for it.

14 Comments on Kamala Harris Was Part of Joe Biden’s Disastrous Withdrawal From Afghanistan

  1. She has blood on her hands for the border, blood on her hands for Afghanistan, blood on her hands for funding Iran and therefore loss of innocent Israeli lives (including many children today).

    Enjoy, you empty pantsuit.

  2. It wasn’t a botched withdrawal, it was a gift to the Taliban. The Taliban now controls Afghanistan, like the cartel controls Mexico.
    Birds of a feather stuff.
    Criminals support criminals.

  3. Cmn¢¢guy,
    The Biden Admin publicly reported and Biden himself stated On The Record that he granted 33,000 Citizenship waivers to Afgani/Americans (33K???) and they were imported into the interior of the U.S. and set up in business like Cell Phone Repair shops and also Motel Hotel Management.

    Most were sprinkled around the many remote military installations in TX, OK, KS and other places with a large Hispanic population. They are disguised as Central American Imports.

    This was done in plain sight and was called out exactly as written above at the time it was happening. Please, please go and check those records.

    This is all being done on purpose and by design,

    The Democrats are an Evil Corporation.

    Incorporated in the P.O. Boxes of Delaware.

  4. I’m still looking for the book that gets written about this monumental fuck up. People in high places, especially the ones in the Pentagon should be tried and jailed for this. They knew better than what the administration types wanted and they did it anyway. Damn them to hell. They could easily have obscufated a controlled withdrawal and blamed it on inertia of large movements inherent in force structures. But the fucks wouldn’t even do that. They don’t deserve mercy in judgment for that.

  5. “He (Joe) is someone, who I have seen over and over again, make decisions based on what he truly believes … is the right thing to do.”

    And he’s been dead wrong every single time.


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