Kamala Holds Small Rally in NC – Describes How High Food Prices Are Under Her and Biden – IOTW Report

Kamala Holds Small Rally in NC – Describes How High Food Prices Are Under Her and Biden

GP: Kamala Harris held a rally in Raleigh, North Carolina, on Friday, where she spoke about how high food prices are under her and Old Joe’s leadership.

Kamala announced a Communist-style price control scheme to combat the inflation crisis she created.

Because of Kamala Harris, prices for meat, poultry, eggs, car insurance, housing, and bakery goods have all skyrocketed.

She blamed the stores.

8 Comments on Kamala Holds Small Rally in NC – Describes How High Food Prices Are Under Her and Biden

  1. She drew a “crowd” of about 250 people. She’s trying to convince people that Trump caused the high prices and that she will address these problems on day one of her administration when she’s already had over 1300 days and hasn’t done shit.

  2. The market sets the value.

    If theres a surplus and you artificially set the price too high, you wont sell your product as people will buy it privately for what the market says its worth. See State run cannabis dispensaries for further details.

    If you artificially set the price too low, the item will disappear from the market as producers cant make money producing and speculators will see an opporunity. The availability will shift to the black market where the market will again set the price to what the item is actually worth.

    The corrupt Government will also steal off the top, further increasing the price without adding value, but thats a different subject for another day.

    The point is, stuff costs what the market says it costs, whether that market is in a Government controlled store or the back of an Army truck.

    Nothing any government says or does has ever changed that, or ever will…

  3. Why is the price of eggs so damned expensive. Last week they were reasonable and yesterday they were a dollar more than the previous week. Eggs were actually cheaper at Trader Joe’s yesterday than at Winco. I make a lot of hard-boiled eggs in my Instant Pot for myself and my border collie Kirby, he loves them as much as I do and I’m not going to quit making them.

  4. Must be nice to just wave your hand and make prices drop… and no one asks “You are in office NOW. Why haven’t you done this already?”
    She doesn’t have the brains to understand Capitalism and finance so she’ll just “Do as I say” without regard to the ramifications of it just as dictators down thru history have always done!
    Of course she doesn’t care if it works or not. She only cares about having the power to do anything she wants!

  5. y, 18 August 2024, 13:26 at 1:26 pm
    “Why is the price of eggs so damned expensive.”

    …I get MY eggs from under a chicken.

    Theyre actually pretty expensive THAT way too, especially if the wife treats them like pets…

  6. “ The market sets the value.”

    Not always true. COGS set the price. Particularly in this case. Every aspect of their process is more expensive due to Bidenomics.


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