Kamala Litella – IOTW Report

Kamala Litella

Patriot Retort:
Hoo Boy. The Biden administration just made Kamala Harris look like Emily Litella on the world stage. They sent her over to Germany to address the Munich security conference, and Kamala Litella made a big show of just how great a price Russia would pay if they dare to put a toe over the border into Ukraine.

Kamala Litella made no bones about it, telling the assembled world leaders:

Let me be clear, I can say with absolute certainty if Russia further invades Ukraine the United States, together with our Allies and partners, will impose significant and unprecedented economic costs.

Not just “let me be clear,” but “let me be clear” AND “I can say with absolute certainty.”

Wow, way to dangle your ass over the cliff, Kamala.

Then on Sunday, she reiterated to reporters just how “great” and “significant” and “powerful” these sanctions were going to be if Putin dared to make a move against Ukraine.

Well, yesterday, Putin made his move. He officially recognized the independence of Donetsk and Luhansk, the two eastern territories of Ukraine, then he sent Russian “peacekeeping” troops across the border. And those “significant” and “unprecedented” sanctions? more here

20 Comments on Kamala Litella

  1. She had the opportunity of a lifetime to talk and act choherently. But, the dumb, lazy slut that she is, she blew it herself. She’s too used to ‘blowing’ and can’t change the habit.
    Most of America deserves this fucking idiot.

  2. FDR’s Vice President, John Nance Garner, is famous for stating that the Office of Vice President “was not worth a bucket of warm spit” but “Cactus Jack” really said that it “was not worth a bucket of warm piss.” The Kalamitous Jamindian has devalued the warm contents of that bucket. These public pronouncements are beginning to look suspiciously like she’s writing all of them herself. Fweedom!

  3. Nobody made Kamelhoe look bad, she did it all herself.

    I can’t for “African Americans” to snatch back her race card.
    “Sheeit, she ain’t a sistah, she playin’. She’s an injumaican, a dot head rasta!”

  4. Oooooooo … sanctions!
    Putin must be shaking in his little space boots!

    All we have is Chink-made shit, no more fracking, no more pork, no oil, no automobiles, no manufacturing … we have plenty of lying bullshit, though.

    Is Harris gonna cut back on the lying bullshit? Didn’t think so.
    She might as well put chicken feathers in her hair and shake some beads at them.

    What a pathetic excuse for a human.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. My objective isn’t to upset any women reading this but it’s quite obvious that Kamala is a “Token Female VP”. You should be mad at whomever selected her NOT based on qualifications. Somewhere in La La Liberal land there has to be a female far more qualified than the liberated White House easy piece of ass.

  6. You know whats gonna hurt, when it gets worse, sure sanctions take time. But frozen bank accounts & seizures of accounts, Russian banks & stocks stopped from doing international business will happen, because like all dictators, Putin can’t stop himself, greedy commie ways will cost him in the ole pocket book.

  7. Kamala was given marching orders and verbiage to deliver.
    Playing the Biden court jester to the “T”.

    Biden the great capitulator, destroyer of the great American economy, the coward of Afghanistan and inept leader has effectively distracted the media and citizenry by focusing all attention toward the court jester, Kamala.

    Joe’s socialist handlers have made Biden, the puppet, the puppeteer. Kamala played the role fantastically, never a disappointment as the puppet.

    Joe returns as the puppet, but not the center of attention as the great capitulator.

  8. @mickey moussaoui February 23, 2022 at 4:45 pm

    > Somewhere in La La Liberal land there has to be a female far more qualified than the liberated White House easy piece of ass.

    Of course, there is!

    Just like somewhere there’s a better part of the sh!t sammich.


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