What Can Willie Brown Do For You? – IOTW Report

What Can Willie Brown Do For You?

An object lesson in how not to conduct yourself as the world burns.

American Greatness:
By Elizabeth Fortunato

Kamala Harris can never seem to catch a break. She keeps making headlines for the wrong reasons. Her disastrous recent appearances in Europe and domestically have been the subject of much derision. Harris’ absence at the southern border has drawn intense scrutiny, especially since Joe Biden appointed her “border czar” and asked her to determine and remedy the root causes of the current migration crisis.  

She’s been plagued by high-level staff resignations, and, like her boss, she continues to be prone to gaffes and incomprehensible word-salad oratory. Her unique laugh, the product of ill-preparedness and stress, makes her appear vapid. She doesn’t appear to do much work, nor does she seem to care about it. 

Biden’s mental infirmity is more visible by the day. Harris’ ascension to our country’s highest office may be closer than anyone wants to acknowledge. In considering a potential Harris presidency, one must seriously consider what, if any, qualifications she actually possesses for the job. 

It is abundantly clear that Harris is the prototypical office tart who uses sexual favors as her most important qualification for advancement. Her tawdry relationship with former California Assembly Speaker Willie Brown was her introduction to politics and led to her election as San Francisco district attorney.  read more

21 Comments on What Can Willie Brown Do For You?

  1. Elections have consequences – even stolen “elections.”

    That we have tolerated this Farcical Treason for a year and a half speaks volumes.

    We stand idle while our beloved country is bankrupted by criminals, genocided by our (so called) medical community, and thrown headlong into an Eastern European War in which we have no concern (other than that one of the belligerents’ criminal oligarchy is tied to our criminal oligarchy).

    We must be fucking nuts.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. This gives me too much credit!

    She’s blown a LOT more guys since then to get where she is!

    I was just her first swallow of success…

  3. …just call this Kamala’s Song.


    “You’re sort of everything I ever wanted

    You’re not perfect, but I love you anyhow

    You’re the woman that I’ve always dreamed of

    Well, not really, but you’re good enough for now

    You’re pretty close to what I’ve always hoped for

    That’s why my love for you is fairly strong

    And I swear I’m never gonna leave you, darlin’

    At least ’til something better comes along”
    -Weird Al, “Good Enough for Now”

  4. …also a good song for her…


    “The talk was small when they talked at all
    They both knew what they wanted
    There was no need to talk about it
    They were old enough to scope it out and keep it loose
    She said, “You don’t look like my type, but I guess you’ll do”
    Third rate romance, low rent rendezvous
    And he said, “I’ll even tell you that I love you, if you want me to”
    Third rate romance, low rent rendezvous”

    -Sammy Kershaw, “Third Rate Romance”

  5. …all kidding aside, she must have an AWESOME tounge because she SURE never had any kind of figure or looks, and there’s never any shortage of more attactive, willing females around powerful rich men; so something she *does* must be what made her stand out and got her where she is today…

  6. Never before in history of whoredom has a harlot leveraged her sexual favors to achieve such power. And, for real, she wasn’t even ever that good looking.

  7. 🤡🌎
    MAY 9, 2022 AT 10:38 AM
    “Never before in history of whoredom has a harlot leveraged her sexual favors to achieve such power.”

    …uhh, Jezabel? Cleopatra? Livia? Bathsheba? Hillary? Mooch? “Dr” Jill?

    And that’s just for starters…

    …guys will do stupid things for sex, doesn’t matter if they are kings or councilmen.

    She must be pretty good at it because the halls of power do not lack for visually much more attractive women, but she’s hardly the first…

  8. Dynamo Kam

    She looked up at me with a glazed face and some Willie Brownine ejaculation on her upper lip area and she said ….

    Just get me promoted and you’re halfway there,
    Cause if my career goes up then my body dont care


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