Kamala thinks violating the Constitution is a laugh riot – IOTW Report

Kamala thinks violating the Constitution is a laugh riot

Patriot Retort:

I saw a clip from last night’s debate that was kind of disturbing.  Kamala Harris was asked about all the executive orders she would impose and how Joe Biden cautioned candidates about violating the Constitution in order to do it.

And Kamala laughed.

She laughed.

Now, the clip is disturbing for a couple reasons.

First, when Joe Biden is calling you out on violating the Constitution, then you know it’s bad.

Biden served for eight years as the VP for a guy who took violating the Constitution to new and dangerous heights.  And as far as I know, old Joe never said “Hang on, Mr. President. You can’t unilaterally legislate with the stroke of a pen! That power belongs to the Legislative Branch.” KEEP READING

11 Comments on Kamala thinks violating the Constitution is a laugh riot

  1. Don’t try to assert power that you don’t want Trump to have.

    After that debate, he should have just tweeted, “Wow. I didn’t know I could just do whatever I wanted. Somebody left their pen and phone on my desk. Thanks for the idea!”

  2. The Constitution says that she is not eligible to run for President, not a natural born citizen. Nobody seems to care enough to point that out to her. So why should she care about the Constitution.

  3. She won’t be laughing after she discovers the word “Republic”. She has NO clue. And a bigger reason why Trump needs to be reelected. Even if you consider him a New Yoak Lib, what he’s doing right, what he’s doing that will save the Republic is the Judiciary. He just got his 150th ultra Conservative Judge appointed. So when I hear some red neck gun guy, who probably doesn’t even own, or practice with a quality weapon whine and say “I’m not voting for Trump, I’ll sit this one out”, I think how freaken stupid can you be, and were your parents brother and sister. Don’t get me wrong, i’m not digging the bump stock ban either, but for a much more logical reasons than your average AR15.com gun fanatic. If you love the Constitution, pull your head out of your ass and vote Donald Trump. Or, enjoy President Sitting Bull Shit. She’ll put your ass in a reeducation camp where it belongs.

  4. It’s called treason. It’s, at least, malfeasance.

    And a bit from Fanu, 1872, Mr Justice Harbottle.

    “”The King against Elijah Harbottle!” shouted the officer.

    “Is the appellant Lewis Pyneweck in court?” asked Chief-Justice Twofold, in a voice of thunder, that shook the woodwork of the court, and boomed down the corridors.

    Up stood Pyneweck from his place at the table.

    “Arraign the prisoner!” roared the Chief: and Judge Harbottle felt the panels of the dock round him, and the floor, and the rails quiver in the vibrations of that tremendous voice.

    The prisoner, in limine, objected to this pretended court, as being a sham, and non-existent in point of law; and then, that, even if it were a court constituted by law (the Judge was growing dazed), it had not and could not have any jurisdiction to try him for his conduct on the bench.

    Whereupon the chief-justice laughed suddenly, and every one in court, turning round upon the prisoner, laughed also, till the laugh grew and roared all round like a deafening acclamation; he saw nothing but glittering eyes and teeth, a universal stare and grin; but though all the voices laughed, not a single face of all those that concentrated their gaze upon him looked like a laughing face. The mirth subsided as suddenly as it began.

    The indictment was read. Judge Harbottle actually pleaded! He pleaded “Not Guilty.” A jury were sworn. The trial proceeded. Judge Harbottle was bewildered. This could not be real. He must be either mad, or going mad, he thought.

    One thing could not fail to strike even him. This Chief-Justice Twofold, who was knocking him about at every turn with sneer and gibe, and roaring him down with his tremendous voice, was a dilated effigy of himself; an image of Mr. Justice Harbottle, at least double his size, and with all his fierce colouring, and his ferocity of eye and visage, enhanced awfully.

    Nothing the prisoner could argue, cite, or state, was permitted to retard for a moment the march of the case towards its catastrophe.”


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