Kamala Supports Wiener For Seat – IOTW Report

Kamala Supports Wiener For Seat

Kamala Harris Endorsed California Lawmaker Behind ‘Pro-Pedophile’ Bill SB145

PJ Media: Senator Kamala Harris, Joe Biden’s running mate, endorsed a California lawmaker who was behind California’s recently passed SB145. Critics have dubbed SB145 the “pro-pedophile” bill for its relaxed automatic sex-offender registration guidelines. These exempt some convicted pedophiles of “certain offenses” from mandatory sex-offender registration “if the person is not more than 10 years older than the minor” when the minor is between the ages of 14 and 17, leaving the decision to the presiding judge.

Contrary to some claims, SB145 does not legalize pedophilia in California, but the bill, which has passed the California legislature and could be signed by Governor Gavin Newsom, could let a “woke” judge keep a 24-year-old who had sex with a 14-year-old from being required to register as a sex offender.

SB145 was first introduced in January 2019 by California state Senator Scott Wiener, a gay Democrat representing San Francisco. Wiener argued that SB145 “eliminates discrimination against LGBTQ youth in our criminal justice system” because judges already have this discretion when it comes to consensual vaginal sex between 14-17 year olds and adults less than ten years older than them. Critics argue that the bill should not have provided the same exemption for other sex acts, but rather removed all exemptions for automatic sex-offender registration to achieve equity. more

15 Comments on Kamala Supports Wiener For Seat

  1. Meanwhile even FOX News is still running and alluding to the “Trump bad mouths Vets” story regardless of how crazy it sounds.

    The story they report “rings true!” That’s the first key to fictionalization – taking something that sounds “true” and making it real. Don’t be fooled.

  2. I saw this headline and prayed that it wasn’t true. This character is only going to cause more chaos in our capital as he competes for headlines with the other lunatics on the left.

  3. Forget it, Jake. It’s California.

    Somewhere in the depths of Hell, Harvey Milk is SO proud of all this progress on the rights of pedophiles to commit “certain offenses” on children. This is what comes from normalizing deviant sexual behavior.


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