Kamala wants to confiscate guns, Joe wants to register ‘individual magazines’ – IOTW Report

Kamala wants to confiscate guns, Joe wants to register ‘individual magazines’

WJ: Kamala Harris Admits Plan To Confiscate 10 Million Guns and That’s Just for Starters.

California Sen. Kamala Harris said on Wednesday that the United States must institute a mandatory gun “buyback” program to confiscate as many as 10 million firearms.

At an event in Las Vegas called the “2020 Gun Safety Forum,” MSNBC host Craig Melvin asked the Democratic presidential candidate how she would get “assault weapons” off the streets.

“As you know the ’94 assault weapons ban, it didn’t apply to weapons that were purchased before 1994,” Melvin said.

“What would you do about the millions of specifically assault weapons that are already in circulation?” he asked.

“We have to have a buyback program,” Harris responded. “I support a mandatory buyback program.” MORE

Biden Calls for Ammunition Magazines To Be Registered with the Federal Government

Any event where a gaggle of candidates for the 2020 Democratic Party nomination are gathered is bound to turn into a promise-fest.

We found this out in the early debates and the intervening pow-wows have been equally giveaway-friendly. Free health care! College! Canceled student debt!

They couldn’t give anything away for free at the gun safety forum on Wednesday in Las Vegas, an event hosted by gun rights groups March for Our Lives and Giffords. They could, however, compete for who would do the most to erode the Second Amendment.

There were plenty of proposals floated at the event, but one kind of took the cake: Joe Biden’s proposal to register ammunition magazines. read more

21 Comments on Kamala wants to confiscate guns, Joe wants to register ‘individual magazines’

  1. As always, they concentrate their efforts on anything and everything except the actual people that commit the crimes, the real who and why of it.

    Wonder why they seem so intent on avoiding this subject and focusing attention and efforts elsewhere?

  2. …hmm, lots of interest in civilian firearms. Almost like they’re building up to something…

    “The Night of the Broken Glass (Kristallnacht)–the infamous Nazi rampage against Germany’s Jews–took place in November 1938. It was preceded by the confiscation of firearms from the Jewish victims. On Nov. 8, the New York Times reported from Berlin, “Berlin Police Head Announces ‘Disarming’ of Jews,” explaining:

    The Berlin Police President, Count Wolf Heinrich von Helldorf, announced that as a result of a police activity in the last few weeks the entire Jewish population of Berlin had been “disarmed” with the confiscation of 2,569 hand weapons, 1,702 firearms and 20,000 rounds of ammunition. Any Jews still found in possession of weapons without valid licenses are threatened with the severest punishment.

    On the evening of Nov. 9, Adolf Hitler, Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels, and other Nazi chiefs planned the attack. Orders went out to Nazi security forces: “All Jewish stores are to be destroyed immediately . . . . Jewish synagogues are to be set on fire . . . . The Führer wishes that the police does not intervene. . . . All Jews are to be disarmed. In the event of resistance they are to be shot immediately.””


    …the only thing that ever changes, is who “The Jews” are, could be YOU next…

  3. What about clips, Joe?

    Joe, you haven’t thought this through. Think really LONG clips, Joe. Dangerous clips. Deadly clips. Clips that fully illustrate themselves.

    They’re all over Youtube, Joe.


    Joe doesn’t want to comment.

  4. What a goof, none, not a single one of my magazines has an identifiable marking. In other words, a serial number, how the hell would you register one?

    Kamala, what kind of “mandatory” buyback program is going to only get less than 3% of all firearms? How do you decide who must mandatorily put their guns up for sale.

    Beatoff got a flu shot the other day and proved he obviously doesn’t have any guns.

  5. …I’m all for sending any Democrat the ammunition voluntarily, and very quickly, too, if they try to pull this crap…send them at 3,250 fps, to be precise…

    …if the choice is line up for “resettlement” with a stop at modern shower and oven facilities or die fighting, I, for one, won’t peacefully line up for the next boxcar…

  6. “In other words, a serial number, how the hell would you register one?”

    I imagine that they would be serial numbered as you registered them, and possession of a non serial numbered one would constitute the possession of an illegal one.

    Like California does with homemade firearms.

  7. …mine were all lost in that tragic baggage mishandling accident, where the airlines lost my bag FULL of high-capacity magazines, since the boats full of firearms are all wrecked at this point…

  8. The only Democrats who know anything about rifles and magazines are Ilhan Omar and Rashida Talib, but Talib is more of a rocket launcher/suicide bomb expert.
    Why won’t they ask them?

  9. It’s not 1933 and it’s not Europe. On this side of the Atlantic we’re a different breed of people. We have a Constitution. If anyone thinks they can confiscate our weapons, they’ve made a big mistake….

  10. So they’ll take our hard earned tax dollars to fund this? Can’t buy back what you didn’t sell me in the first place ho.
    And as far as I know, the ARs are for the most part not “on the streets”.
    And further more, when we own them they are “assault rifles” and when the police are pictured with them they are just plain ole rifles.


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