‘Kamala wants to take life’: Black male voters on CNN clash about Harris’ abortion stance – IOTW Report

‘Kamala wants to take life’: Black male voters on CNN clash about Harris’ abortion stance

A panel of black male voters on CNN Monday clashed when anchor Victor Blackwell asked them about their view of Vice President Kamala Harris’ abortion stance.

Harris has expressed opposition to the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade in 2022 and has made abortion a crucial issue of her 2024 presidential campaign. Black male voters, on “CNN News Central,” vocalized differing views on the vice president’s abortion stance, with two saying women should be able to do whatever they want and one saying her abortion stance violates Christian doctrine. more

12 Comments on ‘Kamala wants to take life’: Black male voters on CNN clash about Harris’ abortion stance

  1. Some priorities she has! None of that doesn’t mean shit if we no longer have a free country to live in!
    They’re using abortion like a little doggie treat they tease the public with so they will ignore the real issues!

  2. The uncomfortable truth about abortion is that 80-90% are non-whites. Without it this country would have turned into South Africa by now. They hate you and want you dead. You think it’s bad now, just imagine 100 million more. When they believe they have the numbers. They will actively try and wipe out the white race. Demographic are the wests destiny. There unborn will gleefully slaughter your descendants.

  3. interesting not one black male is arguing the statistics. most abortions are black babies. i do not hear anyone arguing this fact. the genocide program will continue. i give it 50 years before reality sinks in and the black makes a stand against abortion. meanwhile i can hear the jeopardy jingle.

  4. Anonymous
    Tuesday, 27 August 2024, 12:34 at 12:34 pm
    “There unborn will gleefully slaughter your descendants.”


    But Im not going to kill a man based on what he COULD do, but what he DOES.

    So Im CERTAINLY not going to kill an INFANT for his potential threat.

    If God killed men based on his expectations of them, none of us would be here now.

    And not being a Democrat I dont believe myself worthy to stand in His place and kill babies for what they MIGHT do, nor facilitate their deaths out of fear and distrust.

    It will play out as God intends it,

    HE doesnt need MY input on the subject.

    Nor yours…

  5. SNS people like you are why the west is dying. Did god let communism kill 100 million people last century ? People who hide behind sanctimonious bullshit are just as guilty as the ones committing the atrocities. It’s just high minded cowardice.

  6. 80% of voters likely fall into the category of abortion being acceptable in very early pregnancy (and cases of rape, incest, etc), but completely unacceptable once the baby is viable (third trimester, etc.). Harris practically supports post-birth abortion. That may not be the case with most posting here, but there clearly is a “middle ground” that the vast majority of America is ok with. Trump is FAR CLOSER to that than Harris.

  7. Anonymous
    Tuesday, 27 August 2024, 13:28 at 1:28 pm
    “SNS people like you are why the west is dying. Did god let communism kill 100 million people last century ? People who hide behind sanctimonious bullshit are just as guilty as the ones committing the atrocities. It’s just high minded cowardice.”

    …so then, what would you?

    Would you slaugher the innocents based solely on their skin color? Does that make you BETTER than them, trying to genocide them FIRST?

    Doesnt that attitude from YOU justify THEM trying to genocide YOU first using your own logic?

    …and I doubt very serioulsy you would be able to fulfill that desire anyway. Most people dont wait patiently to be killed, and whichever racw YOU deem worthy of preemptive execution is no different.

    I speculated in a previous thread whether Muslims would accept that God’s Will could be supplanted by man’s.

    That applies to Christians as well. Do you think Gods plan is amendable by human evil?

    Yes, there IS evil. Yes, innocents DO die of it.

    Does that mean that YOU are justified in BECOMING the evil that kills the innocents?

    Because of YOUR fear, and YOUR lack of faith in God?

    Tell me, who then is the coward here?

    …I realize this suggests a higher standard than that which the evildoers you so fear have. That higher standard does not come from ME however, but theres a rather large collection of books that address that subject, plus other concerns you have suxh as “Why do bad things happen to good people?”. They go collectively by the name of the Bible, you may want to check them out.

    Its too big a topic for here and now, but I’ll give you a spoiler.

    Theres a central theme in it that is outlined early on that starts with the line “THOU SHALT NOT KILL”. Much else is there, I particuarly recommend the latter half of it when God sends a Spokesman to Earth to go over this in detail.

    …besides, as far as death by Communists, Muslims, BLM or what have you, Christian do not fear physical death, as it is simply a gateway to the Lord’s presence if you obey His Will. Death will happen to us all, in pain or at peace, but what happens after determines eternity, not this brief blip on Earth. To one who keeps His Commandments, a murderer only threatens them with heaven.

    To one who kills others out of fear of what they MAY do to him, not so much…

  8. Anonymous
    “The uncomfortable truth about abortion”
    Is that it doesn’t have any thing to do with “Reproductive Rights”.
    It’s all about the big money in dead baby parts and government subsidies.
    Planned Parenthood is in 193 countries, it’s a global scam.

  9. Abortion arguments are tiresome. Why aren’t we talking, instead, about reproductive responsibility? It’s time to throw the “My body, my choice!” chant back in their haughty faces. Why are the loudest proponents of abortion never asked why they are pushing abortion as an apparent means of birth control? Why are they never asked about what social policies they are pursuing to make abortion the rarity they espoused?

  10. KamalMao has some deep seated hatred of black people in particular. She’s trying to hide it, but the hate seeps from her pores. Very certain it stems from her black Jamaican father. He has shown to be a neglective, absentee parent. He recently “scolded” KamalMao for “degrading”, (according to him) her Jamaican roots.

    Daddy issues are in play for KamalMao. She can never please her narcissist father and she resents it and most likely hates him.
    In her psychic mindset, black people are worthless, especially black men. Lots of projection going on and self hate for having black genealogy.
    Her so called black friends are only props…and they may not even know it.

    She has a god complex. Abortion for KamalMao serves as a way to solve the problem of whom she considers an inferior group of people. She really doesn’t care about aborting black babies or babies of any ethnicity.

    KamalMao is one sick, twisted evil person. Genocide, enfanticide, wars etc. would not be out of the question if it serves the purpose she thinks is justified. God help us if she becomes President.

  11. ^^^Yes, KamalMao is a commie chip off an older Marxist block, her father. I did note that in a previous post;

    99th Squad Leader
    Saturday, 17 August 2024, 17:13 at 5:13 pm
    “KamalMao was destin to be a Communist tool. Her black Jamaican academic economic professor absentee/estranged father is still alive and a devote Marxist;


    She’s got daddy issues. Her goal; prove she is a bigger, badder commie than dad and rule the world. This monster cannot become President of the United States of America.”


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