Kamala, Who Laughed After Hearing About Kabul Airport Attack Which Killed 13 US Soldiers, Releases Shameless Statement on Third Anniversary of Event – IOTW Report

Kamala, Who Laughed After Hearing About Kabul Airport Attack Which Killed 13 US Soldiers, Releases Shameless Statement on Third Anniversary of Event

Harris truly has no sense of shame or remorse for what happened. Recall that her true colors emerged when she burst out LAUGHING upon hearing a question regarding these brave soldiers’ deaths.

11 Comments on Kamala, Who Laughed After Hearing About Kabul Airport Attack Which Killed 13 US Soldiers, Releases Shameless Statement on Third Anniversary of Event

  1. …she cackles, Pedo checks his watch, and her running mate deserts his command.

    They are lucky solders, sailors, marines and airmen are honorable people who do their duty to their Country and respect their Oaths.

    Because there’s literally no other conceivable reason they should respect a single order or throw a single salute to THIS bunch…

  2. …exactly, Willie.

    I would no more expect a memorial visit from the Pedo and the Whore to the Kabul 13 than Id expect the Butcher of Benghazi and her Muslim boss to show up at a Christopher Stevens memorial, and for the same reason…

  3. Shameful, self-absorbed, nasty and evil individuals make up the political class. They have no regard for what is in the best interest of the country or its citizens as long as they feather their own nests. They are exempt from laws and regulations they force upon the people or simply ignore them and protect each other. We face a monumental turning point before the end of the year. Tie your shoe laces really tight.

  4. That cackle is a defensive mechanism. It’s obviously served her well. But not in this case and not if she’s commander and chief. A very weak personality. She’s stooopid. And the problem with stupid people is very few realize they are stupid. How ever few this stupid end up as a potential POTUS. Maybe she’s there because someone knows they already have the election stolen.


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