Kamala will never live this down – IOTW Report

Kamala will never live this down

The Kiffness x Donald Trump – Eating the Cats

30 Comments on Kamala will never live this down

  1. It has been said that every state has a Springfield. But this is not true. At least it wasn’t true until Biden and Harris were installed. Now, every state in the union has at least one Springfield. In fact, many of our larger cities have several Springfields.

    For all of the buffaloed citizens of all the Springfields, this song is for you. Number one. With a bullet, if it comes to that.

  2. Would Homer Simpson who lives in Springfield eat a cat? Is there enough Duff beer for him to eat a cat or how about a donut flavored cat. And what about Bart if one of his friends triple dog dared him to eat a cat, would he do it? Oh, the humanity, save the pets and deport the Haitians so we have no more regrets.

  3. Apparently Haitians are no better than ragheads.

    Shoot on sight. Bag and bury. If they claim that they’re just wounded bury them anyway – they all lie.
    (this is part of my stand-up comedy routine – nothing to be taken seriously here)

    Hmmm … need to lay up some lime … uhh … for my garden – of course …

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. @fuah:

    …go do that voodoo, that you do, so well…harvey korman in blazing saddles

    That’s Korman quoting original lyrics of You Do Something to Me by Cole Porter, maestro of inventive and clever wordplay.

  5. We checked with the mayor. No cats are being eaten!! It’s a conspiracy theory!!! (On the other hand, most of the dogs are gone as are the geese and ducks. And some people are missing. No explanation for those.)

  6. General Malaise — Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, and George Floyd were also conspiracy theories that turned into conspiracies. Legally innocent people lost their livelihoods, their reputations, and we all lost our country because of them.

  7. My company was training a bunch of Saudis years ago down here in Texas. The Saudis would slaughter goats in their dorm rooms during Arab holidays. The company had to hire crews to clean the mess up.

  8. There is no doubt in my mind that sometime after the election, maybe months or even years later, the mainstream media will quietly admit that the stories of Haitian illegals eating pets were true. But by then the damage will have been done.

  9. It just happens that we (hubby and I) are old enough to remember the Carter administration. If you were a California resident when Carter brought the ‘lovely’ Hmong people there, you may recall, the Hmomgs were eating so many animals from adoption shelters those would be pets were running out. People’s pets gone missing, both cats and dogs. Stockton, CA pet shelters became news.
    Shall we say, on the stinking side, these people were actually dropping trou’ in the isles of public transportation for defecation. My uncle owned a restaurant in Berkley, Pirros Pizza, and due to non-discrimatory laws hired some of the laziest people on the planet.

    And,let us not forget Jimmah Boy who brought us Castro’s finest to South Florida, bringing crime to death defying levels. The Cubans and Colombian drug cartels were having shoot outs in neighborhood streets. Hotels in Miami had installed six foot chain link fencing surrounding their parking lots to assist guest safety.

    ALL of that is become a whisper to Obama-Biden-Kamala’s destruction of America. In fact (check), Kamala stated her and Joe initially delivered 50,000 Haitains to Ohio, and then an additional 50,000 to meet their 100,000 original planned amount for Haitains. Obama’s third term plans to “fundamentally transform this nation” won’t be completed unless he achieves his fourth term. We should truly FIGHT this upcoming fraudulent election theft. I fear for my country.

  10. No mention of the possible increase in pet adoption by Haitians in Springfield, Ohio.
    Animal shelters affected probably assumed Haitians are the most compassionate animal lovers…ever. Little could they know, “clearing the shelter” would become a nightmare with Haitians involved.

  11. BTW, KamalMao, a sociopathic narcissist has no shame she can connect with to live down. Others see it, but not her. Shame would make her feel vulnerable…weak.
    Exposing the motives for her evil plans only enrages her and she then seeks revenge.
    She’s a monster even Frued would be alarmed by.

  12. one of our adopted cats got suddenly very sick on a Saturday last year. he wouldn’t eat or drink, his breathing was fast and shallow, and he cried the rest of the weekend until the vet opened on Monday. The vet did an exam and said there was very little hope for Dusty. I was so choked up and crying, I could only nod or shake my head to have him put down. I didn’t feel much differently when my parents passed. God help me if I ever caught anyone taking my cat or dog. Someone better be making that clear to our new neighbors.


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