Kamala Word of The Day: Do – IOTW Report

Kamala Word of The Day: Do

26 Comments on Kamala Word of The Day: Do

  1. Kamala, honey. We’re all here to do what we’re all here to do. That includes dogs that do dog-doo, women like you with your hairdo’s who do your sugar daddies and un-elected Presidents who make doo-doo in their pants. It doesn’t include the extinct dodo bird, however, that you resemble. Now, do us a favor and shut your dodo hole.

  2. She’s being witty and persuasive.

    She has my vote for the next Democratic primary.
    Right after I get done voting for Brandon.

    If only Kamala-la-la had biggo titties like Nancy.

  3. WOW! She took MY advice! I’m shocked. Shocked I tell ya. When her speech writer resigned I suggested she find a replacement who can spell two letter words. Looks like she did it. S/off

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