Kamala’s COVID Kabuki – IOTW Report

Kamala’s COVID Kabuki

Patriot Retort: I don’t know if you noticed this, but lately Joe Biden has been wearing not one, but two masks. Between that and the exaggerated social distancing at Biden’s campaign “events” leads me to suspect that this is nothing but COVID Kabuki Theater.

The Biden campaign is playing it up – doing everything they can to give the appearances that COVID is the modern day Black Plague.

But it’s as phony as a Hollywood sound stage.

The objective of COVID Kabuki is to gin up fear and create the impression that Americans aren’t safe and it’s all Trump’s fault.

The media is more than happy to play its part in this COVID Kabuki. Which is exactly why cable news personalities had a meltdown over Trump saying, “Don’t be afraid of Covid. Don’t let it dominate your life.”

The purpose of COVID Kabuki is to keep you huddled in your homes, terrified to venture out, while hoping you blame President Trump for your predicament.

Like a dutiful running mate, Kamala Harris bought some of that COVID Kabuki to Amy Coney Barrett’s confirmation hearing. read more

11 Comments on Kamala’s COVID Kabuki

  1. How else can they respond to Trump rallies? The only people sporting face diapers are them and the muffled media who comprise the audience at their “sit in the circle, jerk” rallies. Masks will be like fanny packs and wide ties when Trump wins.

    See you in Macon, Georgia on Friday, PDT. My wife and I, my daughter and her boyfriend all have tickets.

  2. I only frequent the gas station for nicotine, the liquor store for liquor, and the hardware store for tools, all with giant Masks Required signs out front. I walk right past them and conduct business maskless.

    No one has dared say jack shit to me.
    .. my wife does food shopping, I can’t handle that BS.

    Although she did say to me that face shields are awesome cause they aren’t a mask that fogs up glasses and you don’t have to adjust them all the time. I said you are supposed to wear a mask under that. She said nope. I said this shit gets more goofy by the day.

  3. They wear two face masks because subconsciously they want to flaunt that they are thieves, and they also enjoy the thrill of showing it publicly while getting away with it with an assist from MSM.


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