Kamala’s Crisis Communications “experts” really suck – IOTW Report

Kamala’s Crisis Communications “experts” really suck

Patriot Retort: I mentioned last week that Kamala Harris has hired two crisis communications experts to try and rehab her awful public image. But given the job these people are doing, I’m beginning to suspect they aren’t exactly “experts” at all. In fact, they really suck.

Because wow.

If this is an example of their work, they should be fired post haste. more

11 Comments on Kamala’s Crisis Communications “experts” really suck

  1. Her image people are working hard, to no avail.
    She didn’t sound as nasal as usual. Her head wasn’t bobbing up and down. That’s a tough one for her to stop. No cackle.

    Still phony, annoying, numb as a hake and as unlikable as ever.
    Maybe worse cuz she seemed phonier.

  2. fakeover
    one of her ‘CONsultants’ has a Mary Kay or Avon franchise. Betcha
    she sucks men’s penises for her own personal gain.
    Sorry for that, but it is really her problem, not mine.

  3. You simply can’t “fix” stupid.

    The highly paid tax payer funded fixers no doubt gave her great advice by roping children into the mix because youngins always make you look better and more relatable unless you are a vapid, childless, sociopathic, narcissistic cunt.

    Then this happens, these vaunted fixers best run for the hills because the Pedo molests kids and the cackling hyena talks to them like their toddlers.

    Lord Almighty these two are such imbeciles.

  4. There, their, they’re … calm down.
    Kamel-Ho’s a disaster – and I have a feeling that nothing will make it seem human.
    She’s a diabolically narcissistic nihilistic totalitarian without a great deal of intelligence.

    In a just world she’d still be sucking off winos behind the dumpster at the 7-11 for sips of Muscatel.

    But, we live in this one, and thus have two brain-damaged usurpers being paraded as presidunce and vi-presidunce by a cynical conspiracy of Traitors who WE allow to exist … sad … but true.

    izlamo delenda est …


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