Kamala’s husband explains her bumbling failures with ‘breaking barriers’: ‘To be first in so many things is hard’ – IOTW Report

Kamala’s husband explains her bumbling failures with ‘breaking barriers’: ‘To be first in so many things is hard’

BPR – Vice President Kamala Harris traveled across the pond this week in an effort to bolster her global image in the aftermath of President Joe Biden’s trip to meet with global leaders at last week’s G20 summit along with the big United Nations COP26 climate change conference.

Harris, who is literally only a heartbeat away from becoming the nation’s 47th president has repeatedly shown that she isn’t up to the job and has been widely panned for her bizarre demeanor marked by a tendency to cackle uncontrollably at times when she is put on the spot, hardly the type of behavior that instills confidence that she is ready to step in for Biden if necessary.

With her job approval ratings even lower than those of her befuddled boss – a horrific 28 percent according to a recent poll – it would seem that a timely European junket would be a prime opportunity to distance herself from the domestic dumpster fire that has engulfed the Biden administration, but her roadshow isn’t exactly earning rave reviews. more here

20 Comments on Kamala’s husband explains her bumbling failures with ‘breaking barriers’: ‘To be first in so many things is hard’

  1. “Kamala’s husband explains her bumbling failures with ‘breaking barriers’: ‘To be first in so many things is hard’”

    …well, Mr. Cuckmeister, let me tell you that she wasn’t the first with ME, but she SHO does know all about HARD!

  2. Kamala is in an impossible situation. No matter where she travels, her past arrives before she does. Willie’s sensible advice that she just take a cabinet post has proven to be 100% correct.

    At least Mr. Harris is sticking up for his wife. I would have bailed by now.

  3. “… hardly the type of behavior that instills confidence that she is ready to step in for Biden if necessary.”

    Actually, it’s the exact type of behavior that instills confidence that she is ready to step in for the retarded pedophile, filthy usurper Joey Biden.

    A seamless transition! One fucking idiot for another.

    Fuck Joe Biden
    Fuck Kamel-Ho Harris
    mortem tyrannis

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Did George Washington screw up and embarrass himself and his country also? After all, he was the first in so many things as well.

    With libtard politicians, it’s ALWAYS some one else’s fault.

  5. Interesting to note the Harris woman’s husband, Emhoff, is a Communist China Party operative with strong ties to the Communists’ business dealings and holdings. Likely the reason why the sewage-filled Democrat-Rino Party pushed her as the running mate for the PEDOPHILE OF THE UNITED STATES since she brings nothing to the table.


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