Kamala’s Job Approval Crashes to Historic Low 28% – IOTW Report

Kamala’s Job Approval Crashes to Historic Low 28%

DanBongino: Vice President Kamala Harris continues shattering new records – in becoming one of the least popular VPs in modern American history.

According to USA Today:

Vice President Kamala Harris’ approval rating is 28% – even worse than Biden’s. The poll shows that 51% disapprove of the job she’s doing. One in 5, 21%, are undecided.


21 Comments on Kamala’s Job Approval Crashes to Historic Low 28%

  1. “The poll shows that 51% disapprove of the job she’s doing.”

    How can anyone disapprove of the job she’s doing? She hasn’t really done anything except flit around the country and the world making a fool of herself.

  2. Morning rabbit hole.
    Presidential Primary election results 2020.
    There isn’t a single state that Trump didn’t get more votes in the Primaries, than Biden. Even in California 200,000 more people voted for Trump in the primaries. Colorado 250,000 more voted for Trump than Sanders. Over 1 Million more votes for Trump in Texas.
    Harris doesn’t even show up on Democrats list!!!!!
    And all the data is missing on Trump for Arizona, DC, Georgia, Maine, Minnesota, New Jersey, North Dakota, Ohio, Oregon, South Dakota, and Washington.
    And all of this from that trusted news outlet USA Today.


  3. They don’t need no stinkin’ approval ratings. They are in power and will do whatever they want.

    They do not worry about the next election because even if by some fluke they lose the WH, and all of Congress, they still have all the federal administrative agencies, the military, the media, several State governors, Attorneys General, and School Board Chairmen.

  4. The VP, other than being the President of the Senate, doesn’t have any other job I responsibilities. Even with that, she doesn’t need to be present because the Senate Pro Temp almost always executes that duty except in case of a tie vote.

    If I was Biden’s VP I would be hiding too!

  5. All those who are in 21% undecided should never be allowed to vote again. Those are some low wattage lightbulb people. She is a cackling, self-absorbed, media whore. So she is actually more than one type of whore?

  6. Kamala Harris, VP might win some popular support if she starts a people’s crusade for a good quality 5 cent cigar.

    If she doesn’t do that she’ll be worth less than a bucket of warm spit.

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