Kampala Harris Supports Legal Discrimination Based on Race and Gender – IOTW Report

Kampala Harris Supports Legal Discrimination Based on Race and Gender

Diogenes’ Middle Finger: More than two decades after the voters of California passed a sensible, non-discriminatory measure that outlawed programs that give preference to any group over another, making it unlawful for the state and local governments to discriminate against or grant preferential treatment to people based on their race, ethnicity, national origin or sex, some on the far left sees it as a roadblock to their racial agenda.

You see in this day and age, now that you are judged to be racist, or not racist simple by the color of your skin, some feel the only way to make things right in a racist america is to replay the past in reverse. This bring us to the effort to repeal Proposition 16, spearheaded by Assemblywoman Shirley Weber, a San Diego Democrat and chairwoman of the California Legislative Black Caucus who through a feat of mental gymnastics tied the Prop16 to the death Floyd George hoping to capitalize on the Black Lives Matter bandwagon.  more here

12 Comments on Kampala Harris Supports Legal Discrimination Based on Race and Gender

  1. The woman was on stage saying she would take peoples guns away to hell with the constitution. Laws are for putting people who won’t vote for you in prison; that is our future if this bint wins.


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