Kansas: 12-Year Old Girl Facing Felony Charges For “Finger Gun” – IOTW Report

Kansas: 12-Year Old Girl Facing Felony Charges For “Finger Gun”

Bearing Arms:

Kansas middle school student is facing felony charges after she allegedly made a gun shape with her hand and pointed her finger at four students before pointing her finger at herself. Seriously.

Police hauled her out of school in handcuffs, arrested her and charged the child with a felony for threatening.

Shawnee Mission school officials said they could not discuss the case, citing privacy laws, but did say it wasn’t the district that arrested the child.

According to the Kansas City Star, the incident unfolded in a classroom at Westridge Middle School.

The person said that during a class discussion, another student asked the girl, if she could kill five people in the class, who would they be? In response, the girl allegedly pointed her finger pistol — like the ones many children use playing cops and robbers.

Because of that gesture, The Star was told, the girl was sent to Principal Jeremy McDonnell’s office, and the other students involved were also talked to. The school resource officer recommended that she be arrested, the source said. She was detained by police and later released to her mother.

It’s idiotic to pursue felony charges against this child. Are police going to charge the student who asked the 12-year old the question with inciting violence? read more

I notice that 0bama was never charged when he did it.

33 Comments on Kansas: 12-Year Old Girl Facing Felony Charges For “Finger Gun”

  1. I keep saying it but if you want to control your kids education get your asses on the PTA and run for seats in the local School Board Elections. While teacher unions (a plague be upon them) contribute greatly to both the dumbing down of kids and the Politically Correct advances in the classroom it’s the parents that watch this and simply “Tut-Tut” and go about their business that also have to carry a big part of the blame for what’s happening today. I mean, this is Kansas folks, KANSAS for pete’s sake. Both Senators are Republicans, as are 3 out of 4 congressmen and both houses have extremely strong GOP majorities. Only the Governor and L-Governor are Democrats although that’s a little weird.

  2. Was she wearing black gloves? That might make her finger gun a military-style assault finger-gun.

    The resource officer needs to be shamed out of his job. The entire story is ridiculous. And shame on the principal for allowing the cops to be called. What a waste of their time.

  3. School Resource Officer. Translation: Cop who couldn’t make it on the street, so he/she was given a useless job to keep him/her from getting hurt. See: Peterson, Scot

  4. Again I ask, “Why the hell does any conservative or even any sane person send their kids to public school?”

    It is very easy to homeschool these days, easy and not expensive like it once was. You can spend as little as 2 hours a day teaching your child and they will learn more and be ahead of public school kids going 8 hours a day and they won’t become little robots.


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