Kansas’ Kris Kobach, immigration hardliner, could be Trump’s attorney general – IOTW Report

Kansas’ Kris Kobach, immigration hardliner, could be Trump’s attorney general

More Crystal Ballin’.

Kris Kobach, the Kansas secretary of state whose hardline immigration stance has caught the attention of President-elect Donald Trump, could be a candidate for attorney general.

Kobach, already a member of Trump’s transition team, advised Trump on immigration policy, one of the Republican’s top priorities, throughout the campaign and added Trump’s promise to build a wall along the Southern border to the Republican Party’s national platform.

Other candidates who may be considered for the position include Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., and former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani. Giuliani told a gathering of CEOs Monday that he “won’t be attorney general” and on Tuesday, it was reported that Giuliani was a favorite to head the State Department.

Kobach’s spokeswoman, Desiree Taliaferro, initially dismissed the rumors as “just chatter,” saying that Kobach had not had any conversations with Trump’s team about a possible appointment as attorney general.

However, in a second phone conversation late Tuesday afternoon she appeared to treat it as a more serious possibility.

“I can’t confirm or deny at this time,” she said.

9 Comments on Kansas’ Kris Kobach, immigration hardliner, could be Trump’s attorney general

  1. Oddly, Ted Cruz wasn’t mentioned in the write up. The fact that Cruz is a finalist on Trump’s list is trending on social media and was a big topic on Rush today. Last I heard the position is a toss up between Cruz and Sessions. Either would be a good choice. Cruz was at Trump tower for 5 hours today, and reportedly spent over an hour on on one with Trump. I hope Trump picks Ted. Ted is a decent and honorable man.

  2. If I was Trump (and I’m not) I would be tempted to save a Supreme Court position for him. He is young, conservative, could serve for 20-30 years and he would be less likely to be at the border handing out teddy bears or otherwise messing up somebody else’s campaign.

  3. Hi Menderman!

    Was that a campaign promise or a list of the type of candidates he would be considering. And without badmouthing Cruz, I really think the Supreme Court is where he would best serve. Easily 20-30 years for him.

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