Kansas: Nurses in Coffey County refuse to give ControlaVirus vaccines – IOTW Report

Kansas: Nurses in Coffey County refuse to give ControlaVirus vaccines

TOPEKA, Kan. (WIBW) – The Coffey County Health Department is preparing to help distribute the COVID-19 vaccine ahead of the end of this month for Phase 2 of the state’s plan; however, none of their 4 nurses will actually be administering it.

In a call with 13 News Wednesday (Jan. 13), health department administrator Lindsay Payer says that neither she nor her staff “feel comfortable” giving the vaccine. Instead, the county health department will contract with at least one outside nurse to give the vaccine and possibly other providers. They will use COVID funds to cover it. Payer says these are personal decisions made individually and not without considerable thought.

“I will tell you we will have to contract staff outside of our staff to give that vaccine because my staff is not comfortable with that,” Payer told commissioners at their January 4th meeting. “It’s a new technology. We’ve never seen it before. It was only studied in 45 people before it was approved, and the companies that have made the vaccine they don’t have to … all liability is gone from them. So, if there’s anything bad about the vaccine it doesn’t go back to them. That’s widely known, and it’s somewhat discomforting to a nurse who has to put that in people’s bodies. So, we will find nurses that are willing to do that. I am not. My staff is not at this time.” more

15 Comments on Kansas: Nurses in Coffey County refuse to give ControlaVirus vaccines

  1. Ditto for my daughter…

    Also quarantined with the virus that she got at work. Loss of pay and has to use her “PT.”

    Those in her practice that got the second shot have all become sick with symptoms almost as bad as getting the virus unprotected.

  2. I mentioned on Quora that people had died from the vaccine. I was told to “prove it.”

    I have learned that whenever people ask a question in the tone that this person used, no amount of proof would ever be sufficient.

    You know, just like with the election.

  3. I’m waiting, no calls from the VA hospital yet on getting a shot. They now prefer just talking over the phone. They must be bogged down. It seems I recently have zero faith in our government to get things right.

  4. I read an article that mentioned a federal study in 2010 showed only 1% of adverse reaction were recorded in the VAERS system suggesting actual incidents could be substantially higher and they further asked whether drive-thru sites and under-trained personnel will be able to recognize and handle the sudden adverse reactions that the vaccinations are causing. That was my thought when they said get it at the grocery store, then what they call 911- clean-up at the pharmacy. Insane.

  5. Full Auto – you don’t use that magical card to go to an outside doctor? My dad had to do that a bunch of times already. Too long a wait for everything.

    Oh, and he’s not getting the vaccine.

  6. I WILL NOT be getting this vaccine unless they send 6 people to sit on me; however, ads are quite comical: “Proof of residency and age. MUST provide drivers license or paperwork documenting current address and date of birth.” I didn’t have to do that to VOTE!!

  7. My 91 yo Dad is getting the shot on Wednesday through the VA. I’m very nervous about it. He’s hesitant but wants to travel and be “normal” again. A buddy of his, same age 91, got it and had a sore arm after but no crazy side effects-yet.

    Speaking of sore arms, I stumbled across a thread on Twitter of people who got the shot and weeks later their arms swelled up and were inflamed. Some, bad enough they had to go to the doctor. Some had hives too. One thought was the shot was given improperly and not in the deltoid muscle. No way would I do a drive thru shot line. That’s insane.

  8. …the nurses will cave when it becomes a condition of their employment.

    …which is how they’ll get to everyone, eventually, not actually MANDATE it, but make you a Typhoid Mary to the rest of the world if you DON’T, so you won’t be able to buy or sell without it, you know, like the rules say…

    “16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

    17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.”

    Revelation 13:16-17

  9. Illustr8r
    JANUARY 17, 2021 AT 3:56 PM
    “My 91 yo Dad is getting the shot on Wednesday through the VA. I’m very nervous about it. He’s hesitant but wants to travel and be “normal” again. A buddy of his, same age 91, got it and had a sore arm after but no crazy side effects-yet.”

    …well, may God bless and protect him, and let you have a little more time with him.

    …but at least he doesn’t have to worry about it making him sterile at his age, or possible tetragenic effects. I’m really worried that we’re gonna get a spate of birth defect ruined babies that will rival Thallidomide at the end of this, the difference being they probably won’t TELL us about it if its so…


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