Kansas Senate passes pair of public health bills tied to political fury about COVID-19 – IOTW Report

Kansas Senate passes pair of public health bills tied to political fury about COVID-19

Bills limit power of public health officials, guarantee in-person visits in hospitals.

12 Comments on Kansas Senate passes pair of public health bills tied to political fury about COVID-19

  1. I don’t know what to say about any of that. The average doctor is just as dumb as anyone else. Read that again anony. There are plenty of average doctors, and plenty of below average doctors. And a few above average doctors.

    Consensus, these days, generally means RETART.

    When you have retards stating policy you have Bud Light. And Joetato, and swine like AOC, O’bola, and all the rest of the elite.

    These people could never have a real job.

  2. This is insanity. Why are legislatures debating infectious diseases like a cold or the flu, covid being a rhino virus that qualifies as a cold and or flu?……It looks like I’ll never see another doctor unless I’m bleeding out of an orifice…..When does ” Do no Harm” apply to politicians?….It should….

    side note: My little village(50 people, 3000 people in the third largest county in Kansas) sets off the tornado siren 3 times a day because they can and the volunteer fire department gets a little wood, so tomorrow they set it off on a State wide emergency siren test….We are governed by baboons…..Oh yeah, they test the fire siren the first tuesday every month and from March to October they will test it once a month for fire hazards……The stupidity runs deep no matter how small your pool is….

  3. The guy who knows what he is doing is cast off as a prick.

    I was a little bit abrasive. Maybe even quite abrasive.

    I’m not sorry.

    None of it mattered.

  4. “Why are legislatures debating infectious diseases like a cold or the flu …”
    Because medicine, as well as “climate,” are being hoaxed and politicized.

    Why did the Congress vote on toilet capacities and light bulbs?
    Same reason: totalitarianism.

    The bureaucrats have declared “The Constitution be DAMNED!” The politicians and “judges” are making totalitarianism a reality while we sit with our thumbs up our asses.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. A Public Health degree is about as useful as an Education degree, and about as hard to get. Public Health policy polyps should not be making serious medical decisions or rules for the public. But medical doctors at every level did not cover themselves in glory during covid, either. Nor did federal, state or local governments with their “guidance”; they mostly proved to be liars, tyrants or cowards.

    I guess the rule of thumb during a “pandemic” is that anything coming from government authorities should be ignored, resisted and challenged. And if your doctor toes the government pandemic line, seek better counsel elsewhere. And no more forced jabs for ANYTHING.

  6. stethoscope should have zero control over anything which is:
    .non addictive
    .not a pre-cursor or capable of being modified to something addictive
    .not toxic

  7. I thought during the plandemic Kansas left it up to each county? I know we were in one county that demanded masks, which we refused to wear, yet in the next county there were no mask mandates.

    I know the shutdowns and all of it was bullshit and hurt a lot of people, put a lot of business owners out of business, but part of me enjoyed it. It was fun going to states with mask mandates and not wearing a mask and listening to people tell me it was the law. It was also funny hearing people say, “they’re from Oklahoma.”


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