Kanye West Accuses Wife Kim Kardashian of White Supremacy – IOTW Report

Kanye West Accuses Wife Kim Kardashian of White Supremacy


By Steven Ahle –

OPINION | Rapper Kanye West is accusing his wife of white supremacy after she tried to get him committed to a mental hospital.

West says Kardashian’s mother is also guilty of white supremacy. She too wanted him to get help after his disastrous campaign speech.

On Monday night West took to Twitter to condemn his wife and mother in law who tried to involuntarily commit him after he said that the two had considered aborting their first child.

West made that comment at a campaign rally right down the street from me in Charleston, South Carolina.

West said:

“Kris and Kim put out a statement without my approval…that’s not what a wife should do. White supremacy.”

“They tried to fly in with 2 doctors to 51/50 me. I been trying to get divorced since Kim met with [rapper] Meek [Mill] at the Waldorf [sic] for prison reform.”

West has since deleted all of the tweets in question.  Kardashian has been upset by the remarks West made at his campaign stop in Charleston.

He put on a performance there that could only be duplicated by Joe Biden. MORE

Kardashian’s statement on Kanye’s bipolar mental issues.

SNIP: That’s just sad. They don’t need to have this family problem out in public. But then, that seems to be a Kardashian thing.

34 Comments on Kanye West Accuses Wife Kim Kardashian of White Supremacy

  1. Excuse me for not caring one scintilla.
    These attention whores not only bore me, but they thrive on dysfunction.

    Silly time is over.

    I, for one, am totally finished.

    It’s time for personal regrouping. These idiots are making me question my own sanity at this point.

    Other than the Iotw group and our President, where does sanity reside?

  2. Women can get on your damn nerves Kanye. Hang in there. I look back at some of the crazy things perfectly normal friends have done/said when going through divorce and this is fairly mild.

  3. “Other than the Iotw group and our President, where does sanity reside?” -PHenry

    Select any that make sense:

    (a) Somewhere over the rainbow
    (b) In a galaxy, far, far away
    (c) 20,000 leagues under the sea
    (d) Space, the final frontier
    (e) A desert island
    (f) Patagonia
    (g) Antarctica
    (h) __________

  4. @ghost yes we can rally but schedule is tight. Working hard to fix wayward Virginia. It’s a full time job between meetings and conventions and lots of stuff. Plus having a real job. Warfare is full time.

  5. Been thinking:

    The guy has obviously been searching for something missing in his life lately. I could have told him that there are many people around him who will be supportive and others whose resentment and envy will manifest in ways that are designed to frustrate his goal of moving out of his comfort zone in search of what has been missing. They lack the guts to do the same and what you are seeing manifest in them is driven by envy. Keep your eyes on the prize and just hold on and ride out the bumps in the road along the way, you’ll get there. What those people are looking for is a response and if you can just let their shit roll off of you like water off a duck’s back it will be better for ya. I guarandamntee ya.

  6. Actually, Jenner transitioned before he married into that nuthouse. His first son said that is why he dumped the first wife. He then went underground and kept it private until he had surgery to fix whatever and married the Kardassioans. Then rest we seem to know

  7. No one hit on the satanist side of all this yet? Wow, being late to the party I was thinking someone would have already pointed out that Kris is a high priestess and how most likely all of these “having Kanye committed” attacks are actually because he has converted to Christianity {regardless of how you think he is doing or whether he worships the same Jesus we do} and he has the potential to spill all the cultist beans. While the marriage is still “viable” the family just might be able to pull some magical legal bullshit out of a hat and succeed at getting him put away and at least convince enough people to ignore him. Though once the divorce is final they can’t “touch” him. I expect that the satanist Jenner/Kardashian clan will have Kanye killed very soon.

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