Kardashian Toxic Exhibitionism and Kanye’s Revolt – IOTW Report

Kardashian Toxic Exhibitionism and Kanye’s Revolt

American Thinker- Rapper and business mogul Kanye West mortified those of his sociopolitical milieu by tweeting forth his admiration for President Trump.  On April 25, Mr. West proclaimed, “You don’t have to agree with Trump but the mob can’t make me not love him.  We are both dragon energy.”  Some of that mob suggested that Mr. West was mentally ill.  West’s wife, Kim Kardashian, who had previously declared, “Without a doubt I stand with Hillary,” took pains to tell the world she didn’t agree with her husband.  More troubling, a musical colleague, Mr. Daz Dillinger, so consternated by West’s remarks about Trump, deployed all ten words in his vocabulary to exhort criminal elements to harm Kanye’s ass.

Kanye West also recently made puzzling remarks about “400 years of slavery,” followed by the sound of heads exploding in the black American “live ever more in the past” “community.”  Furthermore, at about the same time Kanye West was sending love vibes to the president, he cryptically tweeted, “Sometimes you have to get rid of everything.”  These rebellions caused Kim Kardashian to hop to marriage brand protection on the talk shows.  Swiftly monetizing her husband’s musings, as she does every marketable event in her life, she told a laughing audience on Ellen, “He doesn’t mean getting rid of me.”  Don’t be so sure about that.  Her husband is a high-strung man, and the ultra-fishbowl life the Kardashians inflict may be unbalancing him, as it has other men who have tried for a place in the Kardashian-Jenner syndicate.

Kanye West’s identification with Trump’s masculine energy is an unconscious survival mechanism.  Kardashian-Jenner Inc. sucks the life force from men.  Fathers, husbands, brother, boyfriends – no male cycled through their empire of toxic exhibitionism comes out unscathed.  This harm to men and boys is  the Kurse of the Kardashians.  But the destruction of men’s lives is not mystical workings of the black arts.  It results from the malignant psychological effects of unremitting personal scrutiny on males.  In today’s world, lurid self-display and public gut spillage are paths for attractive women of no particular talent and flexible morality to become rich and famous.  But even in this world gone mad, most men are intrinsically disinclined to ongoing intimate public display.  It’s a yin and yang thang.  Whether benign or malignant, invasive exhibitionism, in the absence of real achievement, is devastating for males.  And the kind of exhibitionism that has earned the Kardashian-Jenner females vast wealth is far from benign.  read more

9 Comments on Kardashian Toxic Exhibitionism and Kanye’s Revolt

  1. God said it best:

    Gen 3:16
    To the woman He said,

    “I will greatly multiply
    Your pain in childbirth,
    In pain you will bring forth children;
    Yet your desire will be for your husband,
    And he will rule over you.”

    That desire is not a romantic desire, it is a hunger to usurp his authority in family, business, government, etc. It is not healthy, it’s a curse.

  2. Kanye West also recently made puzzling remarks about “400 years of slavery,”…

    His remarks were puzzling only to those ignorant of the history of chattel slavery in America. It was introduced in 1619, as near as makes no difference 400 years ago. Slavery was abolished in December of 1865 by the 13th Amendment, over 150 years ago. In other words, slavery existed for just under 250 years, and has been gone for over 150 years. Those who continue to carp about 400 years of slavery include all that time since there hasn’t been any here. That obsession is indeed a choice and those who have so chosen have placed themselves in their own self-conceived mental penitentiary.

  3. “the reintroduction of slavery by our Muslim friends”

    reintroduction my ass, they never stopped !

    in fact they were the most prevalent marketers of slaves to slave owners and still are.


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