Kari Lake – IOTW Report

Kari Lake

She held the media’s head under the water until the bubbles stopped.

24 Comments on Kari Lake

  1. Anonymous must have gone to school in communist China; never heard of the Declaration of Independence?
    Do you even know how ignorant your comments are?
    It sounds like you have nothing original to say; just CNN parrot-speak.

  2. anonymous<
    There is no such thing as a 'Democrat patriot'. They surrendered that goal 40 years ago after the Viet Nam War. That party is nothing but lying, vengeful wanna be retard communists' now.

  3. Love her and would vote for her if I could. She kinda makes me mad though by reminding me of all the loser RINO’S in Washington who don’t care about the truth.

  4. Kari Lake donated $850 to both John Kerry’s and Barack Obama’s presidential campaigns in 2004 and 2008, leaving the Republican Party, reregistering as an Independent before switching again to become a democrat in 2008. She opportunistically switched back when she thought it would benefit her. She endorsed leftist Merrick Garland, Barack Obama’s pick to replace conservative Justice Antonin Scalia on the U.S. Supreme Court.

  5. BINGO! She said EXACTLY WHAT I’ve been REPEATING VERBATIM and we should all REMIND THE MEDIA, the people of the United States the RUSSIA COLLUSION LIE that the MEDIA drummed into the American public for 3 PLUS YEARS 24/7.
    That ALONE should RUIN ANY “CREDIBILITY” the media thinks they have.

  6. Dear Kari the Maricopa County 2020 election fraud has been known since May 2021 and the Arizona legislature has it, yet not a word about decertifying the 2020 election and recalling the state’s electors. I realize it takes more than one political parasite to make things happen but when will the people that committed the 2020 election fraud be held accountable and the state’s 2020 electors be recalled? If as I fear you talk a big talk and don’t do anything what happened in 2020 will become standard operating procedure for future elections, including 2022 and if the vote counter doesn’t like you you lose. So STFU and get your team together and decertify the fraudulent 2020 election you’ve had the evidence since May 2021!

  7. As I recall she WAS the media not that long ago and was perfectly happy selling their bill of goods. Notice you never see the reporter’s face that whole thing could have been contrived by Lake to appear as though she actually IS a conservative, being in the BIZ herself she would be able to set that up real easy.

    I Ain’t Buyin’ It!!!

  8. Mrs. RMM watched that video yesterday. Before I really heard what was being said I thought Lake was the reporter talking to an AOC wannabe candidate. I have heard high school girls speak with better diction that that “reporter.”

    Either that video is a fake or Lake is considered such a minor candidate that the station sent out a third tier reporter.

    And that video looks like it would have been shot by the news camera. Would a station really release a video that shows someone making mincemeat of their reporter? If it wasn’t video from the station, it probably would have been a hand-held camera that would have moved around and shown the station’s camera.

    RMM, thy name is cynical.

  9. We must remember, “The enemy of my enemy is a friend…for now.”

    This is the strategy behind the leftist commies working with the primitive muslims.

    It’s called a marriage of convenience.

    As long as she is saying what no one else will say, more power to her…for now.

    If we fail to play the game to win, we will certainly loose!


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